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Should we perhaps revise the sequence of battles in the War of the Five Kings?


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Please take a look at http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Talk:Retaking_of_Harrenhal

In a nutshell, I believe that we are mistaken in declaring in the wiki that Gregor Clegane faced the Northern forces in the Ruby Ford after retaking Harrenhal from Vargo Hoat.

For one thing, the timeline looks a bit hurried for me; Bolton left for the Red Wedding and Ruby Ford happened before he arrived. Could Gregor really retake Harrenhal and reach Bolton in such a narrow window of time? Possible, but unlikely.

For another, Tyrion knows, or at least believes, that the confrontation at the Ruby Ford happened before the retaking of Harrenhal. Of course, he has little reason to care, but he also has little reason to be mistaken.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm not so sure its that far fetched. For one we know that by the time Clegane retook Harranhal, basically all of the Brave companions had left Vargo Hoat, so it wouldn't have required any real effort at all, he could have sent his main force onto the ruby ford while he and a couple of his men went to deal with Vargo, who If i'm not mistaken was alone and half mad from his wound being infected, and met back up with them before the battle.

And we also know that Roose Bolton purposely lagged as long as possible to cross the ford, leaving the bannermen who he believed would be loyal to Robb Stark far in the rear, I'm not positive but I think he mentions it in adwd, in any event, he's been planning and scheming with the Lannisters and Freys at this point anyway, so its not out of the question to think he knew an attack would come and purposely took as long as possible to cross the ford.

And if im not mistaken, this all happened post battle of the Blackwater, so Tyrion would have been out of the loop at this point about whats going on in the war in the riverlands, i'm not saying its impossible he could have been that well informed, but I also think its likely that if he did say Clegane was at the Ruby Ford BEFORE he retook Harranhal, he could have been mistaken.

So yeah I think its feasible to say Clegane retook Harranhal then still had time to fall upon the rearguard crossing the ford. For two main reasons, 1 That Harranhal could have been taken very quickly and very easily, and 2 Roose Bolton would have taken as long as possible to cross the ford to allow Clegane to catch up

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