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Best Chapter?


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Oh god, if I have to pick just 1 it has to be Sansa's last chapter in ASOS, it has everything, the beautiful scene of the snow castle, Lysa trying to drop her from the moon door, her later revelation about LF schemes in starting the war, and of course "only Cat"...I just simply love that chapter.

Honorable mention to all Theon/Reek's chapters (probably the best written part of the serie) and Jaime meeting with the blackfish (you can't get any more badass than that) :cool4:

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So many to choose from!! To name a few:

AGoT: Daenerys dragon birth

ASoS: Red Wedding

ASoS: Bran and Jon at Queenscrown

ASoS: Daenerys taking Astapor

ASoS: Stannis comes to the wall's rescue (STANNIS! STANNIS! STANNIS!)

Pretty much everyone's last chapter in ASoS. Tyrion killing Tywin (he did not, in the end, shit gold), Lysa out the moondoor, Arya at the inn, leaving Sandor and Valar Morghulis, Coldhands, Lord Commander Jon.

AFfC: Samwell and Arya

ADwD: Jon dealing Janos Slynt some justice.

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-Ned's head gone

-Dragons are back


-Stannis unleash his fury (BBW)


-Dragons roast the slavers

-Weddings and killings

-Stannis to the rescue



-Cersei gone wild



-Quentyn not the Dragontamer

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Reek becoming Theon again (and the beautiful reversal of his fist encounter with his sister not knowing him)

I also really love the Oberyn vs. Gregor scene. Not due to the fight or Tyrion but because I am still touched by the way Oberyn loved his sister that much that he was over a decade after her death still ready to risk his life too avenge her

So much emotion in both of these. "If you die before you say her name, ser, I will hunt you through all seven hells." So brutal.

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3 chapters stand out in my mind.

The very first prologue . This chapter just grabbed me viscerally and 12 years later still has it's hooks in me. I could feel the trees watching, the dread building, the cold advancing ... And then the Others. I sometimes just grab GOT and reread this chapter when I only have a few minutes to spare.

Bran's coma experience. What can I say, I love a good prophetic dream sequence and this one is excellent. For me, the most important question in this whole series is not who is going to end up on the Iron Throne but rather what the devil is in the heart of winter and why is Bran so essential?

Sansa's snow castle chapter. It starts out so beautiful and dreamlike then just deteriorates to a hellish scenario with Sansa almost being murdered. Kinda like Sansa's own life so far.

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