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Stannis humor

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Hi all,

I think Stannis is the funniest character in the series, and I started this thread to compile all of Stannis's hilarious one-liners. I searched the forums, but couldn't find anything entirely devoted to Stannis's humor.

My personal favorites:

- "Her own father got this child on her? We are well rid of her, then. I will not suffer such abominations here. This is not King's Landing."

- "Without a son of Winterfell to stand beside me, I can only hope to win the north by battle. That requires stealing a leaf from my brother's book. Not that Robert ever read one."

What are you favorite Stannis quotes? I could use a laugh on this rainy day!

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I don't know how anyone can say that Stannis is humorless. He really does have a terrific dry wit.

"Robert could piss in a cup and men would call it wine, but I offer them cold clear water and they squint in suspicion and mutter to each other about how queer it tastes."

"Weddings have become more perilous than battles, it would seem."

And I love how he gives the lords their own little nicknames. Lord Too-Fat-to-Sit-a-Horse, Ser Stupid, etc.

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And I love how he gives the lords their own little nicknames. Lord Too-Fat-to-Sit-a-Horse, Ser Stupid, etc.

So glad you pointed that out! I know all the nicknames but I never connected that Stannis is the one behind them all.

Edit: and it's almost "incorrect" for anyone else to NOT use a nickname- he is always correcting Davos :rofl:

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When he told Renly that Margary would stay a virgin in Renly's bed.

HAR! That is particularly good since Stannis is a fine one to talk in that regard!

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When he told Renly that Margary would stay a virgin in Renly's bed.

Oh yeah, that was a good one, too.

So glad you pointed that out! I know all the nicknames but I never connected that Stannis is the one behind them all.

Edit: and it's almost "incorrect" for anyone else to NOT use a nickname- he is always correcting Davos :rofl:

He's also the one, I believe, who gave Davos his Onion Knight title. :D

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"Stannis ground his teeth. 'It is not my wish to tamper with your rights and traditions. As to royal guidance, Janos, if you mean that I ought to tell your brothers to choose you, have the courage to say so.'

That took Lord Janos aback. He smiled uncertainly and began to sweat, but Bowen Marsh beside him said, 'Who better to command the black cloaks than a man who once commanded the gold, sire?'

'Any of you, I would think. Even the cook.'" SoS pg 1076.

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Stannis correcting his maester:

All men know me for the trueborn son of Steffon Baratheon, Lord of Storm’s End, by his lady wife Cassana of House Estermont. I declare upon the honor of my House that my beloved brother Robert, our late king, left no trueborn issue of his body, the boy Joffrey, the boy Tommen, and the girl Myrcella being abominations born of incest between Cersei Lannister and her brother Ser Jaime the Kingslayer. By right of birth and blood, I do this day lay claim to the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. Let all true men declare their loyalty. Done in the Light of the Lord, under the sign and seal of Stannis of House Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms.

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Stannis correcting his maester:

All men know me for the trueborn son of Steffon Baratheon, Lord of Storm’s End, by his lady wife Cassana of House Estermont. I declare upon the honor of my House that my beloved brother Robert, our late king, left no trueborn issue of his body, the boy Joffrey, the boy Tommen, and the girl Myrcella being abominations born of incest between Cersei Lannister and her brother Ser Jaime the Kingslayer. By right of birth and blood, I do this day lay claim to the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. Let all true men declare their loyalty. Done in the Light of the Lord, under the sign and seal of Stannis of House Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms.

Another great one! I'm curious how many people appreciated this the first time through. The humor of this was totally lost on me until a re-read.

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My favorite parts of Stannis' jokes is that he is dead serious during all of them.

That is not funny. That's a Caligula.

lol my brother made up this adjective called Caligular (something Caligula would do. Kill your father, fuck your sister, make your horse a senator etc). However it seems like Stannis is one of the only characters who doesn not behaive Caligular
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My favorite parts of Stannis' jokes is that he is dead serious during all of them. lol my brother made up this adjective called Caligular (something Caligula would do. Kill your father, fuck your sister, make your horse a senator etc). However it seems like Stannis is one of the only characters who doesn not behaive Caligular

Although the Florents probably consider knighting a smuggler equivalent to making your horse a senator :-p

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Did Stannis and Tywin ever meet? I'm trying to picture how a conversation between the two would go.

The closest interaction I remember (someone correct me if I'm wrong) is Tywin saying that Stannis was the one to be worried about. That conversion would be epic!!

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