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Contest: Depict Barristan the Bold


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This past weekend was Titancon in Belfast, and according to all reports, it was a smashing success. A few of the guests from the first Titancon made an appearance again…. and a few new ones appeared. Among them? Ian McElhinney, Ser Barristan the Bold himself, who revealed that he is indeed getting ready to film for season 3.

Thanks to Ian and his nephew Manfonse, we have three signed photos from Ian to give away, and we decided to try a new contest format: fan art. The contest will run for 7 days (why 7? Do you need to ask?), and we’ll announce winners shortly afterward. So, to be clear, last entrys will be at 11:59PM, October 2nd—anything coming after will be disregarded, alas. Winners will be contacted for mailing information and (hopefully) personalization requests read on >>>

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