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R+L = Jon and Meera Reed?


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Playing Devils advocate for a moment

Both Meera and Jon were born in 283AL according to the wiki

The actress cast as Meera looks similar to Jon Snow in appearance

Howland Reed could have taken her back to Greywater Watch from Dorne

Easy to hide someone at Greywater Watch

Meera never visited Winterfell until Jon Snow was in the NW

Alfie Allen commented that Jon snows parentage was a 'Star Wars Situation'

Birthing twins is much more dangerous for the mother.

If the Dragon needs three heads it could be Meera, Jon & Dany. You would not need Aegon or Tyrion to have Targaryen blood

Other people born in 283AL

Margaery Tyrell

Samwell Tarly

Desmera Redwyne

The families of these three were Targaryen loyalists


Roslin Frey - does not look much like the other Freys

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I always thought that Sam is at least 1 (or maybe 2) years older than Jon. Can't remember why though.

Jon turned 15 sometime early during GoT while he was at the wall IIRC, Samwell says his father made him go north the day after his 15th nameday. Depending on how long it takes a soft lordling and company to travel to the wall from the south Reach, Sam is a few months older than Jon. Probably born in the same year.

Now as long as we are throwing crackpots around listen to this one. Samwell Tarley is the son of R+J, the Ned and HR took a detour because they knew Randyll Tarly just had a son. HR being a sneaky Assassin's Creed like Crannogman scaled the castle walls and the keep with little Sam in his arms and switched the babies and scaled back down with Tarly's son, Jon Snow.

Think about it, Jon is fierce and a good warrior and commander, just like Randyll. Samwell is bookish, and loves music and finery much more than fighting, just like Rhaegar.

Then just for kicks they went and switched Samwell's twin sister, Margaery Tyrell with baby Meera. Jon and Meera, both children of the South were brought to WF and GW respectively never to know the truth.

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Now as long as we are throwing crackpots around listen to this one. Samwell Tarley is the son of R+J, the Ned and HR took a detour because they knew Randyll Tarly just had a son. HR being a sneaky Assassin's Creed like Crannogman scaled the castle walls and the keep with little Sam in his arms and switched the babies and scaled back down with Tarly's son, Jon Snow.

You come second: Samwell is Rhaegar and Lyanna's son

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  • 2 months later...

So, whatsup with all these trolls lately?
I thought Misunderstood Joffrey and Dany Frey were the height of crackpot, but it looks like I'm wrong.

This is so Stark Wars I could've see it happen in a Christopher Paolini novel ;)

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Alys? She was fleeing marriage to her cousin. But Mel might have speaking her interpretation when she said 'fleeing from the marriage they have made for her'. She saw a girl on a horse hurrying north, she interpreted that it was Arya and she interpreted that it was to avoid the marriage that had been arranged with Ramsay.

Meera is a Reed, Howland's eldest trueborn child. Men don't bring children out of nowhere and claim they are trueborn if they are trying to avoid questions about the origins of the child. That is why Jon is a Snow and Alayne a Stone.

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So, whatsup with all these trolls lately?

I thought Misunderstood Joffrey and Dany Frey were the height of crackpot, but it looks like I'm wrong.

This is so Stark Wars I could've see it happen in a Christopher Paolini novel ;)

I don't think this one is a troll. I can understand where this theory comes from. Show Jon and show Meera have the same looks and have the same age.

The reason why I think it's not true is because Meera in the books looks like a cranogman just like Howland and Jojen.

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I don't think this one is a troll. I can understand where this theory comes from. Show Jon and show Meera have the same looks and have the same age.

The reason why I think it's not true is because Meera in the books looks like a cranogman just like Howland and Jojen.

A theory that's obviously fake from the get go is trolling in my book. I can argue that Edmure Tully is Ned's long lost brother because their fathers were friends and poor Hoster needed desperately a heir, and it would be trolling. Don't see a difference here ;)

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First of all this Alfie Allen thing is IMO more than what people are making it out to be. The actors (as far as I know) do not know the ending of the story. Him knowing who Jon's father likely is just like we all do. He has either read the books, or can not escape the leaking of info by the fans of the series.

As far as this thread goes. I think that there might be something to R+L = Jon and the Tower of Joy and Meera Reed. I, like others on the forums, prescribe to the Ashara Dayne + Howland = Meera theory. It may not be true, but a lot of plot lines come together if true. For example, it could explain how Howland Reed was vital in "saving" Ned at the ToJ. Maybe Howland just said, look Arthur, we are brother in laws, chill out.

(I could make this a lot more crackpot with other related theories like Arthur Dayne is the half-hand and Rhaeger is Mance but I won't go there since those are separate threads that cause everyone a lot of grief)

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Where in the passage (or any other) does it say Meera's eyes are green? Please find it for me.

At the foot of the hall, the doors opened and a gust of cold air made the torches flame brighter for an instant. Alebelly led two new guests into the feast. “The Lady Meera of House Reed,” the rotund guardsman bellowed over the clamor. “With her brother, Jojen, of Greywater Watch.”

Men looked up from their cups and trenchers to eye the newcomers. Bran heard Little Walder mutter, “Frogeaters,” to Big Walder beside him. Ser Rodrik climbed to his feet. “Be welcome, friends, and share this harvest with us.” Serving men hurried to lengthen the table on the dais, fetching trestles and chairs.

“Who are they?” Rickon asked.

“Mudmen,” answered Little Walder disdainfully. “They’re thieves and cravens, and they have green teeth from eating frogs.”

Maester Luwin crouched beside Bran’s seat to whisper counsel in his ear. “You must greet these ones warmly. I had not thought to see them here, but... you know who they are?”

Bran nodded. “Crannogmen. From the Neck.”

“Howland Reed was a great friend to your father,” Ser Rodrik told him. “These two are his, it would seem.”

As the newcomers walked the length of the hall, Bran saw that one was indeed a girl, though he would never have known it by her dress. She wore lambskin breeches soft with long use, and a sleeveless jerkin armored in bronze scales. Though near Robb’s age, she was slim as a boy, with long brown hair knotted behind her head and only the barest suggestion of breasts. A woven net hung from one slim hip, a long bronze knife from the other; under her arm she carried an old iron greathelm spotted with rust; a frog spear and round leathern shield were strapped to her back.

Her brother was several years younger and bore no weapons. All his garb was green, even to the leather of his boots, and when he came closer Bran saw that his eyes were the color of moss, though his teeth looked as white as anyone else’s. Both Reeds were slight of build, slender as swords and scarcely taller than Bran himself. They went to one knee before the dais.

“My lords of Stark,” the girl said. “The years have passed in their hundreds and their thousands since my folk first swore their fealty to the King in the North. My lord father has sent us here to say the words again, for all our people.”

She is looking at me, Bran realized. He had to make some answer. “My brother Robb is fighting in the south,” he said, “but you can say your words to me, if you like.”

“To Winterfell we pledge the faith of Greywater,” they said together. “Hearth and heart and harvest we yield up to you, my lord. Our swords and spears and arrows are yours to command. Grant mercy to our weak, help to our helpless, and justice to all, and we shall never fail you.”

“I swear it by earth and water,” said the boy in green.

“I swear it by bronze and iron,” his sister said.

“We swear it by ice and fire,” they finished together.

Bran groped for words. Was he supposed to swear something back to them? Their oath was not one he had been taught. “May your winters be short and your summers bountiful,” he said. That was usually a good thing to say. “Rise. I’m Brandon Stark.”

The girl, Meera, got to her feet and helped her brother up. The boy stared at Bran all the while. “We bring you gifts of fish and frog and fowl,” he said.

“I thank you.” Bran wondered if he would have to eat a frog to be polite. “I offer you the meat and mead of Winterfell.” He tried to recall all he had been taught of the crannogmen, who dwelt amongst the bogs of the Neck and seldom left their wetlands. They were a poor folk, fishers and frog-hunters who lived in houses of thatch and woven reeds on floating islands hidden in the deeps of the swamp. It was said that they were a cowardly people who fought with poisoned weapons and preferred to hide from foes rather than face them in open battle. And yet Howland Reed had been one of Father’s staunchest companions during the war for King Robert’s crown, before Bran was born.

The boy, Jojen, looked about the hall curiously as he took his seat. “Where are the direwolves?”

“In the godswood,” Rickon answered. “Shaggy was bad.”

“My brother would like to see them,” the girl said.

Little Walder spoke up loudly. “He’d best watch they don’t see him, or they’ll take a bite out of him.”

“They won’t bite if I’m there.” Bran was pleased that they wanted to see the wolves. “Summer won’t anyway, and he’ll keep Shaggydog away.” He was curious about these mudmen. He could not recall ever seeing one before. His father had sent letters to the Lord of Greywater over the years, but none of the crannogmen had ever called at Winterfell. He would have liked to talk to them more, but the Great Hall was so noisy that it was hard to hear anyone who wasn’t right beside you.

Ser Rodrik was right beside Bran. “Do they truly eat frogs?” he asked the old knight.

“Aye,” Ser Rodrik said. “Frogs and fish and lizard-lions, and all manner of birds.”

Maybe they don’t have sheep and cattle, Bran thought. He commanded the serving men to bring them mutton chops and a slice off the aurochs and fill their trenchers with beef-and-barley stew. They seemed to like that well enough. The girl caught him staring at her and smiled. Bran blushed and looked away.

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