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Best laughs in the novels

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GRRM can be quite funny. Characters like Tyrion and Jaime have awesome wits, and Hot Pie, Tormund and Edd are funny in a different way. The Queen of Thorns is one of my favorites as well. What are the best jokes in ASOIAF, what are the funniest, when did you laugh the loudest?

I laugh at pretty much every sentence said by the characters mentioned above. And too when Shae says 'Oh, so that's why they call it the tower of the hand' in ACOK.

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Tormund, Tyrion, Jamie are great to laugh with.

But I get the biggest laughs at Cersei, with her parnoid inner-thoughts.

And Victarion, in particular with this beautiful passage:

"Give her a kiss for me in whatever hell you find her," Victarion proclaimed. He called for his axe and took their heads off there and then. Afterward he put their crews to death as well, saving only the slaves chained to oars. He broke their chains himself and told them they were now free men and would have the privilege of rowing the Iron Fleet, an honor that every boy in the Iron Islands dreamed of growing up. "The dragon queen frees slaves and so do I," he proclaimed.
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Dolorous Edd is my favourite I think. Even though I like everyones interaction with Vargo Hoat.

"I never win anything," Dolorous Edd complained. "The gods always smiled on Watt, though. When the wildlings knocked him off the Bridge of Skulls, somehow he landed in a nice deep pool of water. How lucky was that, missing all those rocks?"

"Was it a long fall?" Grenn wanted to know. "Did landing in the pool of water save his life?"

"No," said Dolorous Edd. "He was dead already, from that axe in his head. Still, it was pretty lucky, missing the rocks."

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