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Twilight Reign series by Tom Lloyd


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So I've got this series on my radar. Goodreads reviews for the first book appear to be mixed somewhat. But the wikipedia synopsis sounds promising.

Has anyone on here read it? I'd be interested in hearing other boarders thoughts.

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I got a free copy of it at eastercon in london last year but haven't got round to it yet. A friend of mine read them and enjoyed them but he happily reads the entire spectrum of fantasy from standard fare to GRRM and Richard Morgan. It's supposed to be more in the gritty vein though.

I guess I'm in a similar boat to you in that I have it but not convinced to move it up my reading list yet.

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I didn't enjoy the first one. Seems like it had everything that would make it good, but couldn't pull it off.

That was pretty much my exact thought when reading the synopsis. But the mixed reviews on goodreads kinda gave me pause about starting it.

Hmmm... looks like I'll keep this on the backburner for the time being.

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I tried the first one Stormcaller, it did not go well and I did not finish it. The book simply didn’t click with me in any way. The characters weren’t logical and I just couldn’t connect with anything in the story. The story was too muddled and I got the sense things were thrown against the wall to see what stuck. Shame because I wanted to like it. I got a general "this doesn't make sense" feel to alot of the story – Lloyd seemed as if he wanted to arrive at certain plot points but how he got there weren't logical enough for me. Also, the names of the characters and places just didn't work for me either. I can usually overlook this in the genre (Epic/High/Secondary World Fantasy is probably my favorite subgenre), but here it added to the muddled and cluttered logic of the novel.

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