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my ASOIAF dream: Tywin is good

Aerys Blackfyre

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(please read before you comment!)

Believe it or not... a couple of nights ago I had an amazing dream; when I woke up I was so exciced that I wrote everything down, and now I'd like to share it with you, my fellow ASOIAF fanatics.

I dreamt of having a conversation with Charles Dance about his Game of Thrones character (Tywin).

He was standing before me wearing his Lannister uniform with the Hand of the King's pin pointed on it. In the dream, implying that he is aware of Martin's plans for the future of ASOIAF, he gave me the following pieces of information (FYI, it was just a dream, it doesn't mean agree with them!):

1. he told me to open my eyes about who's really good and who's really evil;

2. about that, he asserted that Stannis is the worst villain in the series;

3. he showed me a picture of a location in Turkey where an episode of a future season (probably covering the eventes narrated in TWOW) will be shot (the title of the episode was something like "Immunity" or "Impunity"). In this episode he (Tywin) will have a conversation with Tyrion; the reasons for all the cruelties towards his son will be explained: the Imp needed to be strictly disciplined, in order to "prepare him for command". He is destined to have a very big role in the Game of Thrones, and, to fulfill his fate, it's very important that he stays away from whores (one of them could be his downfall) and other temptations.

(The picture he showed me depicted a fancy room where this meeting will possibly take place, perhaps in some kind of dream)

I don't know, maybe it's just because I became obsessed with Tywin after his confrontation with Joffrey in the last GOT episode(Second Sons), but this dream really moved something inside of me. I've always been a Stark/Stannis supporter (and I will always be), but now I'm beginning to see the things from another perspective...

What are your thoughts?

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“I am not your sister, Jaime.” She raised a pale soft hand and pushed her hood back. “Have you

forgotten me?”

Can I forget someone I never knew? The words caught in his throat. He did know her, but it had

been so long...

“Will you forget your own lord father too? I wonder if you ever knew him, truly.” Her eyes

were green, her hair spun gold. He could not tell how old she was. Fifteen, he thought, or fifty.

She climbed the steps to stand above the bier. “He could never abide being laughed at. That was

the thing he hated most.”

“Who are you?” He had to hear her say it.

“The question is, who are you?”

“This is a dream.”

“Is it?” She smiled sadly. “Count your hands, child.”

One. One hand, clasped tight around the sword hilt. Only one. “In my dreams I always have

two hands.” He raised his right arm and stared uncomprehending at the ugliness of his stump.

“We all dream of things we cannot have. Tywin dreamed that his son would be a great knight,

that his daughter would be a queen. He dreamed they would be so strong and brave and beautiful

that no one would ever laugh at them.”

“I am a knight,” he told her, “and Cersei is a queen.”

A tear rolled down her cheek.

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Dude...Tywin's kinda dead. Sorry. Don't worry, we'll make a greenseer of you yet.

I mean no disrespect, but just a question... CAN YOU READ?

I quote myself: The picture he showed me depicted a fancy room where this meeting will possibly take place, perhaps in some kind of dream

of course I'm aware of what you said, I didn't mention it because I didn't want any spoilers in my thread

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I mean no disrespect, but just a question... CAN YOU READ?

I quote myself: The picture he showed me depicted a fancy room where this meeting will possibly take place, perhaps in some kind of dream

of course I'm aware of what you said, I didn't mention it because I didn't want any spoilers in my thread

That's a bit of an overreaction don't you think? You spoke of his conversation with Tyrion before you mentioned the dream. The sentence you've quoted is also in brackets at the end of the paragraph, implying that it is less important. You also said "perhaps" and the fact that Tywin's dead would make it difficult to make it happen in any other way. Don't jump down my throat please and don't worry about pre-TWoW spoilers.

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Interesting dream, to say the least! But yes, its good to try and see things from another perspective. Even if that means having to view things from a Lannister standpoint.

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That's a bit of an overreaction don't you think? You spoke of his conversation with Tyrion before you mentioned the dream. The sentence you've quoted is also in brackets at the end of the paragraph, implying that it is less important. You also said "perhaps" and the fact that Tywin's dead would make it difficult to make it happen in any other way. Don't jump down my throat please and don't worry about pre-TWoW spoilers.

sorry, you're right! :agree:

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Oh, yeah. Making a bunch of soldiers rape your sons wife is just the kind of healthy discipline a father should apply every now and then to keep his child in line.

And it's just like GRRM to make Tywin come back from the dead to speak softly to his beloved son Tyrion (who murdered him btw) about his tender feelings and good intentions.

Come on!

btw... This thread should be posted in the TV Show forums, since it's mostly about the TV series

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