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That POV character you could care less about


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Admit it, there's that one POV character who you just really don't care about. When you see their name heading the next chapter you're just like UGH. But you made yourself read those chapters anyway even though you have this massive weight in your stomach, wanting the chapter to end already.

This is gonna be an unpopular opinion for sure, but for me it was Jon Snow. I just don't find his story that interesting compared to the others. Most of his chapters just feel like a "checking in" and nothing really happens. Oh great, here's another chapter of Jon making stupid decisions and displaying his incompetence. I can't express enough how much I loathe seeing his name on the next chapter I'm reading.

So which POV character is it for you? And why?

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I hate to be that guy, but I'm fairly sure you mean the POV character I couldn't care less about.

And the answer is probably Daenerys ADWD chapters, since they're basically a holding pattern until the Meereenese knot is sorted.

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I enjoy all the POVs but during my reread, Quentyn ended up being the most underwhelming for me.

I completely agree. There isn't enough time to emotionally invest in the character before he dies, so when rereading, you find yourself asking, "What is the point?"

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