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Rebooted ASOIAF Elimination Game II: Best Villains (Continued)

ab aeterno

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Wow. I really need to get myself an edition of D&E stories. I had no idea Laughing Storm was an actual character.

Now that we talk of it, has anybody talked to Ther recently? I have not seen him post in months.

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If you have a kindle Buck, I can probably lend you the anthologies...unless kindle ebooks are specific to US vs Europe. In which case, I would check with JW...I think she has UK editions.

I haven't seen Ser either. She and dreamcatcher disappeared around the time KC was in that accident. Has anyone heard how he is?

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Just to clarify, since I do not have chat access, that this EG will be up front within the thread. Too many of these EGs have been decided in chat.

Agreed. EG topics should be decided upon in these theads, and the lists discussed here.

Just to clarify, in case anyone's wondering, the people who asked for Bloodraven etc. included it with their PM'd votes.

ETA: I forgot to mention earlier, but Queen of Love and Beauty came second in the secret ballot.

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Agreed. EG topics should be decided upon in these theads, and the lists discussed here.

Along with the plotting Ab. When I say that too many of these EGs have been decided in chat, I meant the ultimate winners. Not the topic.

When the EGs were initially started, trades and plots were open. By the time I came along, the plotting was PM. At this point, the mass decisions are made by chat as evidenced by the Quotes EGs. I vote that everything becomes transparent again. If not, then I respectfully request to be unbanned from chat to be allowed to participate fully in the game as it is now played.

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