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Theory: Darkstar's father (TWoW Spoilers)


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I wonder if he has any relation to Arthur Dayne, maybe even a bastard of his. I know he was in the kings Guard but he wouldn't be the first to break that vow (doesn't seem like him though). It seems he maybe in possesion of Dawn? If so how to he come to be in possesion of it? Regardless of who is family is if he has any love for Dorne he would sure have a hate on for Lannisters. I also think he could very well be one of the Vipers many kids.

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I once thought that Darkstar might be a bastard of Aerys II. He looks like Rhaegar. Dark purple eyes, silver hair... and Arianne calls him extremely beautiful. She says that if she married him their children would be as beautiful as dragonlords. Darkstar is also considered mad and cruel, which could be inherited from Aerys II.

But I like your theory OP! You could be on to something.

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I didn't read 11 pages full with comments, only the question.

Gerold's eye is dark purple, every mentioned Daynes' eyes are a like purple.

Gerold's hair is silver with black. Edric has blonde hair, Ashara had brown, others aren't known. So what if Gerold got the silver hair from his father and not the black? He can decend from a Targaryen (like Rhaegar) and not Oberyn, or oen of his grandparents was Targaryen, or that cadet branch of house Dayne founded by a not so important Targaryen-Dayne marriage or anything else.

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If Darkstar is really someone's bastard, then I consider him as a bastard of Ashara Dayne and Brandon Stark.

The problem is that Ashara and Benjen could meet only in Harrenhal in 281, after 9 months a baby borns in 281-282 so he would be like 18 years old, and Darkstar told to be at his late 20s.

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Yes, I've read this before, but I still don't completely buy it. She's so upset that her children will be elsewhere that she just leaves completely, never seeing them again? Especially Trystane, who had to have been pretty young when she left. A failed marriage that dashes your ideals of romantic love could certainly cause someone to dash away back to their familiar home -- if they don't have 3 kids, one of whom may even be an infant.

There's plenty of estranged couples in our world with all kinds of dashed ideals who still manage to live near each other so they can see their kids regularly. I would think that as a princess of Dorne, she would be able to live in a separate castle near enough to see Arriane and Trystane, or to even go visit Quentin once in awhile (when he was actually being fostered).

No, there has to be something else here. It just doesn't make sense.

(Sorry to ram this in so much. It's one of those little things that bothers me a lot.)

Doran wanting to send the children away seems to have been the straw that broke the camels' back, so to speak. My sister's adopted son was abandoned by his mother before he was a year old and she moved hundreds of miles away just because the father didn't want to maintain the relationship with her. The child was only useful as a bargaining chip to her, and as soon as she realized that she couldn't keep the father, she abandoned any premise of caring about the kid... An innocent infant child she had in her belly for nine months and gave milk to from her breast. Point being: it might not seem a good reason to abandon her children... but then again, we don't know her true motivation.
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  • 1 month later...

After reading TWOIAF I have a feeling that Darkstar is Rhaella's son Jaehaerys, conceived by someone other than Aerys. My guess is she and her ladies in waiting faked his death, and Doran's mother brought him to High Hermitage where he was raised as a Dayne.

Interesting... what's in TWOIAF that led you to believe that? I'd be curious.

Personally, I'm of a mind to believe the OP's theory right now. Seems sound to me.

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Interesting... what's in TWOIAF that led you to believe that? I'd be curious.

Personally, I'm of a mind to believe the OP's theory right now. Seems sound to me.

Here's my theory:


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  • 6 months later...

I think Darkstars parentage is either Arthur Dayne and Elia Martell, or if he must be Ashara's son, then i'd think it's going to be by Prince Lewyn Martell. Putting Ashara as Lewyn's paramour.


Elia was close to Oberyn, so if you look for someone in the shadow, it's most likely her. 

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After reading TWOIAF I have a feeling that Darkstar is Rhaella's son Jaehaerys, conceived by someone other than Aerys. My guess is she and her ladies in waiting faked his death, and Doran's mother brought him to High Hermitage where he was raised as a Dayne.


Jaehaerys comes to mind as a posibility, as a son of Rhaella and Arthur Dayne.  Another that comes to mind for the same parents is Rhaella's oficially 'stillborn' child of 270 AL. This could still fit the age of Darkstar, but it would entail that he was hidden after birth and anounced to be stillborn, while in reality he was hidden a bit then moved to House Dayne of High Hermitage. That would make Darkstar quite a serious threat for the future. 

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I honestly really like this theory, makes perfect theoretical sense, and would be an awesome twist.

Aerys II was well known to sleep around and I suspect has a few Bastards, Darkstar could certainly be one of them, I suspect Cersei and Jaime are his as well.

I agree, even with the timeline anomaly, personally I think A + J = T is a red herring.

And we do know for a fact Aerys' had bastards, from George R. R. Martin's role in writing the Game of Thrones Video Game plot it mentions Aerys' would rape women and their children would have silver hair.
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