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Nicknames for characters

The Black Hawk

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I thought long and hard about it, and here are the names I came up with:

Tyrion: The Imp

Jaime: The Kingslayer

Sansa: The Little Bird

Theon: The Turncloak

Cersei: The Brotherfucker

Shae: The Funny Whore

I think they're pretty good, somebody should pay me money to nickname their characters!

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Tormund - Giantsbane, Thunderfist, Tall-Talker, Horn-Blower and Breaker of Ice, Husband to Bears, the Mead-King of Ruddy Hall, Speaker to Gods and Father of Hosts.

Hodor - The Hodor

Stannis - The Mannis

Cersei - The Mad Queen *cough* Regent *cough*

Darkstar - Dorkstar

Samwell - Ser-Maester Piggy

Viserys - The Golden Dragon

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