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A Frey rant (it is VERY long but I worked really hard on it.


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I actually agree with the op but I never really even thought about it for some reason. I actually love strategy and have studied a absurd amount of war fare as well. I only bring this up because of all the strategies I wish Robb had done regarding a thousand different scenarios just to avoid the red wedding but I never even considered the worthlessness of the freys. Yes they do have probably the top 3-5 most soldiers in the riverlands, yes they have a HUGE family(very important for medieval war fare), and are the top 3 most wealthy houses in the riverlands. I don't think these things necessarily make them that important to Robb and the power of house stark. For some reason people on these forums have come to silly deduction that house stark; the royal family of the north of a line 8000 years old and untill now uncontested summons like 2 3 4 and some people even say 5th most men in the north and in that order financially in the north. This is so obviously not the case. The Starks would not be what they are if they weren't THE most powerful house in the north. I would say logically they can summon at least as much as the next most powerful house( in the north, I'm talking about the Starks and there position in the north so I'm going to just say house). They are the most wealthy but maybe behind the manderly's; just because they have the only real port in the north and a big fat city. It's been stated several times that winterfell has the most choice lands in the notth(which means they probably have the best crops for storage and economy. So the freys can summon 4000 men to fight which is strong. But compared I northern power and all the other riverlords Robb had over the freys he should've been way harder on them. If he was going to have Frey as an ally he's the kind of bannermen that you have to put in place EVERY time he does something wrong or he thinks your weak. I think of Robb acted thus Frey never would hve attempted the red wedding. When Robb did the jeyne thing he played it like he did something wrong. He did but he's king he doesn't make mistakes. Instead of apologizing he should've captured the Frey leaders that were with him and hold them for treason. All of the Frey relatives but don't hang them just hold them. When Robb his army and his lords say give a speech to the common soldiers and he tells them the freys have done some sort of treachery the soldiers will stay with him. Like stannis has done with the karstark men in dance. Holding freys children will hold his hand and when you go to the twins w/o his heirs obviously no red wedding. Obvious Robb would do this but it would be really good PO for Robb against his lords if he just rooted the freys and gave there castle to one of his lords. He wouldn't do tht though and obviously the other thing as well becuse he did what he did and died to my ever lasting sorrow. So to end this huge rant no the freys were not strategically important; there bridge is a huge bonus which is why my strategy kicks ass it's not necessary. Sorry this was so long but I hope you read, like, and post.

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