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The number of troops that has died from the different regions. (Westeros)


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So! Im very interessted in the number of soldiers that the different regions has mustered and how many that has died....

This to get a picture of how weakened the different regions are and how they would do perhaps if the others would get over the wall.

Iv'e only seen to the numbers up to the end of Clash of kings. Feel free to comment the numbers iv'e displayed, so i can uppdate and get a more accurate number.

SO....let's begin!

1. Lannisters + Clegane are plundering the riverlands.

They gather up two hosts. 15'000 men with Jamie and 20'000 with Tywin.

2. Lannisters Invade the riverlands

What the tullys full strength is unknown to me, but a number of 4000 men where assembled before jamie invaded and they clashed at the golden tooth. Those 4000 broke tho and retreated.

3. Robb stark moves down with 18'000 northmen. Joined later by 3000(?) frey.

4. Robb split his forces when joining the fight.

16'000 go with Roose Bolton

The horse that go with Robb...is an unknown number. But should be a number close to 5000 men (if the frey nr is right)

5. Robb suprises the besieger Jamie and eliminates his host but for 4000 spearmen/bowmen that retreats back to the rock. He Captures Jamie.

6. Renley gathers a host of 100'000 men moving to Kings landing

7. Stannis moves his 5000 to storms end besieging it

8. Some actions from the greyjoys should not be neglected...but the numbers displayed are too few for my taste...

- Victarion takes moat cailin killing 400 north men easily.

- Asha takes deepwood motte

- Theon runs to winterfell

- Dagmar cleftjaw sacks thoren square but runs off as Rodrik Casell and cerwin come to aid.

- Rodrik and Cerwin runs back to Winterfell with 2000 men but are tricked by ramseys 400 and get killed and the host is routed.

9. Robb moves through a secret pass in the mountains and surpasses the sentrys at the golden tooth and kills Ser Stafford Lannisters host and the sweepings of the west. The number of soldiers is unknown (4000 + something), but it seems robb only took with him northmen and freys so..using the 5000-6000 horse (assuming that most survived when attacking the seige at riverrun, and some tully men joining) is probably a fair number.

10. As said Stannis besieges storms end and so forces Renly to split his forces, leaving the 80'000 foot and moving with 20'000 horse down.

11. Storms end is taken. Renly is dead. Between the 80'000 that stood idle, fighting brakes out. Renly loyalists and Stannis supporters. Many die (mostly florents - Stannises wifes house). Many leave for their homes and others flee to Stannis. Mace Tyrell tho, brings his 10'000 men from highgarden joining Renly loyalists forces.

12. Tywin wanting to save his Westerlands, moves his 20'000(did so many survive?) from Harrenhal. Robb had a plan with this movement....but Edmure fails him and puts 11'000 Tully men at the key crossings of the ford. Edmure defeats every attempt by tywin to cross, and bleeds tywin.

13. Tywin joins with Randyll Tarly and Mathis Rowan and moves to kings landing, now that Stannis is moving there.

14. Robb takes the Crag and takes a liking for Jeyne Westerling making the Freys abandoning him. He makes the decision of going back to the riverlands after the freys leaving him.

15. Stannis moves in. Tyrion sends in the kings Fleet and they engage battle with Admiral Florent. This holds the ships in place as a the great chain Tyrion made the smiths forge, is raised. Afterward...tyrion puts the blackwater on fire with Wildfire. Destroying nearly every ship in the water. Many of stannis's forces survive tho and make it to the shore attacking the city. Close to taking the city...Stannis's host is taken from behind and is smashed.

16. Roose Bolton after Tywins victory at Kings landing...changes his Allegiance, and sends of Robett glover and 3000 men to the east where they are defeated by Randyll Tarly and taken by Clegane

17. Returning to Riverrun. Robb pardons his mother for releasing Jamie. Karstarks gets furious and kills Willem Lannister and Tion Frey. This forces Robb to take action...and beheads Karstark...making karstarks forces leave him. Some 1000 karstak men are now scurring the riverlands searching for Jamie.

18. Balon dies...Euron is now sitting the seastone chair...

19. Roose leaves Harrenhal intentionally killing off about 2000 north loyalists and Wylis Manderly and leaves the remaining 600 to defend the Ruby Ford. Moving north with Frey and Bolton men.

20. Robb moves to the twins with 3500 men, leaving the blackfish and the riverlords to defend the Trident. At the reconciliation feast...the freys and boltons betray stark and kills off his army.

The clash of kings...is done.

So how many soldiers are there in the realm now? We don't know...but we know how many soldiers the different regions has lost, meaning dead, captured or off the count.

The North

  • 6000 (?) northmen die when Roose Bolton engages with Tywin.

  • 3000 northmen get off with Robett Glover

  • 2000 with Wylis Manderly

  • 600 Defending the Ruby Ford

  • 400 Moat Cailin

  • 3500 Red Wedding

  • 1000 karstarks

  • 3000 Frey

Out of the 22000 that went down with Robb Stark (including the freys), 19500 die or are out of the game. Where the other 2500 men are, I do not know.

The number of Soliders left in the north? 2000 routed by Ramsey Snows 400. Killing of Cerwin and Rodrik Casell. Meaning The north in it self lost additional 2400 men. Not including the numbers that greyjoy killed at the coast.

The Lannisters

  • 11000 die at riverrun

  • approximatly (staffons host) 15'000 (4000+?) die behind the golden tooth

  • Tywins host did bleed...but I do not know the number of soldiers he has left

Hard to say how many they have lost, as Robb stark swept through the Westerlands.

But a certain number is 15'000 (jamies and pieces of Staffords host) + 15'000 counting tywins losses and Staffons gatherings.

So perhaps 30'000 dead

The Riverlands

  • 4000 at the pass

we do not know much more...only that 11'000 are at the fords defending.

Storms End

  • 5000 from the narrow sea

  • ~15000(?) that go over to stannis

He has about 20'000 men that nearly get annihilated at kings landing.

So id say -17'000 men (remebering that 3000 went up to the wall)

The Reach

  • about 50'000 go with Loras tyrell joined by his fathers 10'000


Dorne/Eyrie/the iron islands. Unknown.


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The North lost three quarter of Robb's force (~15,000) and a couple hundreds in the North itself: 16,000. Remaining: about 40,000, give or take

The Westerlands lost 20,000+, discharged another 20,000 and are now at 3,000 remaining.

The Riverlands bled heavily. Hard to quantify though. Could be anything between 20,000 and 40,000 remaining.

Stannis lost heavily, but a lot of those survived. He's down to ~1,000, plus another 500 on Dragonstone and Storms End.

The Tyrells have still most of their host. Close to 100,000, but spread thin.

The Ironborn lost a couple hundreds. Negligible. That is, if the crew of the lost ships of the Iron Fleet could be saved by their comrades. ~10,000 in Slaver's Bay and 15,000-20,000 in Westeros.

The Vale got anything between 40,000 and 50,000, untouched.

Dorne has 30,000, untouched.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Where did you get all those numbers? I presume you mean 4000 in the north btw =) Tho i think they had more then 20'000 with the freys.

I believe the Lannisters lost abit more then 20'000, probably 30'000, but i have no idea how many that have after ACoK.

The Tullys had 11'000 in riverrun defending it against tywin (not including freys nor other lords that got left for their own homes)

The stormlands....how many soldiers could their be left?

Stannis had 20'000 men standing waiting for the fleet from dragonstone with 200 ships (the fleet composed of largly mounted men), thats perhaps a couple of thousand soldiers?

Tyrells having 100'000 is abit overrated. They had 100'000 with the stormlords. So a fair number is perhaps 60-70'000

Ironborn sounds right

But the vale having 40-50'000 or Dornish Having 30'000, where did you get that information?

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Where did you get all those numbers? I presume you mean 4000 in the north btw =) Tho i think they had more then 20'000 with the freys.

I believe the Lannisters lost abit more then 20'000, probably 30'000, but i have no idea how many that have after ACoK.

The Tullys had 11'000 in riverrun defending it against tywin (not including freys nor other lords that got left for their own homes)

The stormlands....how many soldiers could their be left?

Stannis had 20'000 men standing waiting for the fleet from dragonstone with 200 ships (the fleet composed of largly mounted men), thats perhaps a couple of thousand soldiers?

Tyrells having 100'000 is abit overrated. They had 100'000 with the stormlords. So a fair number is perhaps 60-70'000

Ironborn sounds right

But the vale having 40-50'000 or Dornish Having 30'000, where did you get that information?

The Lords Declarant in the Vale had 20000 by themselves.

This is ignoring several major Vale houses including the Arryns themselves.

And Dornish strength being around 30000 makes sense. Quentyn and Tyrion both read the young dragon's book which advertised 50000. But according to Doran himself that was wrong.

And the Tyrells may have close to 100000.

They had 100000 with the stormlords when the Redwynes did not contribute and the Hightowers barely did at all.

Those two houses are the strongest Reach houses after Tyrell. Hightower can field 3x as many as any other Tyrell bannerman and Redwyne's have a large amount of wealth. After all, their navy is extremely powerful.

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The North lost 15k in the south and probably around 1k in the North(Battle of WF). Total 16k. Assuming North's Net Strength was around 45k then they have ~30k remaining(but they'll be scraping the barrel to gather all those). Their biggest problem is not the loss of men but rather the loss of leadership.

The Tully's have lost plenty - Nearly impossible to calculate how many. As for remaining Edmure quickly gathered 11k for the fords(not counting the Freys) and if they scrape the barrel they might come up with 15k(again not including the Freys) - but their problem is also a lack of leadership and extremely low morale and low supplies.

The West has suffered huge casualties - I'd bet they lost more than the Tullys. 11k with Jaime's host, some men at the Green Fork(hard to calculate but I'd say 2k including the casualties on the forced march). Then they had plenty of skirmishes with the RIverlords - I'd go with 1k casualties in all of these combined. Then Oxcross was major - It was a complete rout and all of Robb's host was horsed so I dont think many got away. Casualties at about 7k-10k. The Robb took plenty of castles and Gold mines in the west - all of their garrisons were probably put to the sword(except the Crag). Another 1k casualties. Then the Battle of the Fords - Major skirmish and the river was choked with bodies of the dead so about 1k casualties. Then the Blackwater - minimal casualties here since most of the work was done by Garlan's van. Then Duskendale where Varys reports heavy casualties on Lannister side as well so about 1.5k-3k dead. The the storming of Dragonstone - I'd go with another 1k there. Net total Casualties for the Lannisters: 25.5k - 30k. Remaining 15k(but its disbanded now and not many are left who could gather them back together - they also suffer from a leadership vaccum)

The Reach has not suffered much till now: Duskendale - 1.5-3k. Blackwater : 3k-5k. Net losses: 4.5k-8k. Remaining 90k-100k.

Stormlands : Numbers are never clearly given. Their only major conflict was the Blackwater where most of them turned rather than fight to death. I'd say 5k-10k losses depending on how many died in the wildfire. Remaining : 15-20k

Dorne : Untouched. Strength : 25-30k

Vale : Untouched. Strength : 40-45k

Iron Islands : Some casualties in the North : including Asha's loss to Stannis and the complete annihilation of the Moat Cailin garrison, I'd say net loss 1k.

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I am fairly surprised by your calculations.


I always thought that 20.000 were basically all the north strength available, and only old/mature men or too young guys stayed back.. and can't be 20.000/40.000 as you say.

So my numbers were: 20000 have gone south, 16.000 died, nearly 4000 have gone back and are still available to the north.


I dunno how King Robb had difficulty and needed to go back seeking alliance with frey for 3000 men, when apparently in your opinion there were 20.000/40.000 people there.. why not hire them, instead of submit to RW? I always thought they had around 10000/15000 men before the war and quickly have gone to 5000/10000 (including Frey) during Robb's war.


AFAIK The lannisters should have 20.000 men at least, thought not the best and mature soldiers, plus what remains of previous hosts

Other numbers I won't discuss.

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Where did you get all those numbers? I presume you mean 4000 in the north btw =) Tho i think they had more then 20'000 with the freys.

I believe the Lannisters lost abit more then 20'000, probably 30'000, but i have no idea how many that have after ACoK.

The Tullys had 11'000 in riverrun defending it against tywin (not including freys nor other lords that got left for their own homes)

The stormlands....how many soldiers could their be left?

Stannis had 20'000 men standing waiting for the fleet from dragonstone with 200 ships (the fleet composed of largly mounted men), thats perhaps a couple of thousand soldiers?

Tyrells having 100'000 is abit overrated. They had 100'000 with the stormlords. So a fair number is perhaps 60-70'000

Ironborn sounds right

But the vale having 40-50'000 or Dornish Having 30'000, where did you get that information?

No, I meand forty thousand. There are already 14,000 on the march during Dance, not yet including the Glovers, Tallharts, Flints of Flint's Finger, Flints of Widow's Watch, Cerwyns, Manderlys, Reeds, Skagosi and a bunch of others and only a part of the Dustins and Rhyswells.

All the remaining Lannister forces are mentioned in Feast and Dance. They amount to 1,000 on Dragonstone (anotherr 1,000 were lost there), 1,000-1,500 in the Riverlands with Daven and formerly Jaime and 500 first with Tywin's corpse and later with Kevan.

The Tullys had 11,000, but at least one quarter never had the chance to join them, while some others were thrown into disarray by the Lannister raiding and were hard pressed to support the Tullys.

The Stormlands still have most. The Battle of the Blackwater did not claim so many lives since most turned their coats or surrendered.

The Tyrells were lacking the Hightowers and Redwynes while they were with Renly, each of them could easily support 15,000 men on their own.

This is hardly the first thread on army numbers, go check out the older ones.

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No, I meand forty thousand. There are already 14,000 on the march during Dance, not yet including the Glovers, Tallharts, Flints of Flint's Finger, Flints of Widow's Watch, Cerwyns, Manderlys, Reeds, Skagosi and a bunch of others and only a part of the Dustins and Rhyswells.

Who does tell you that they have such amount of men?

Who does tell you these people (skagos?!) will fight for Starks?

Who does tell you these people are provided with any army?

Who does tell you that these people army are capable of fighting against armies of south, rather than - quite alike crannogmen - only good at defensive strategies on local/north country?

Why Robb left behind 2/3 of the war potential of his country? Instead of begging Frey for 2000 men I would have commanded my men for all their men.

I think your numbers are based on assumptions, I don't recall any of such numbers in the book.

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Who does tell you that they have such amount of men?

Who does tell you these people (skagos?!) will fight for Starks?

Why Robb left behind 2/3 of the war potential of his country? Instead of begging Frey for 2000 men I would have commanded my men for all their men.

I think your numbers are based on assumptions, I don't recall any of such numbers in the book.

Logic dictates that Starks could have summoned at least 40 000 - 50 000 men

Skagosi are Starks' bannermen

Robb was in the hurry, plus no one sane would take their entire force... Robb didn't beg Freys for men, it was all about passage

Numbers are right... North could have gathered around 50k, and Robb most likely lost around near 20 000...

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Skagosi are Starks' bannermen

Even Boltons WERE Starks' bannermen, yet they have chosen a different side.

Skagosi people rebelled in the past, live on a island and are notoriously savages and quite alike wildlings. I don't see the reason why they should go south nor love Starks. They have been conquered and subjugated, quite alike Iron Men. And like them, they will try to become independent ASAP they can.

Which logic? I'm saying I don't see that logic. My post was a kind request for some logic supported by proof, but up until now I only got statements.

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Even Boltons WERE Starks' bannermen, yet they have chosen a different side.

Skagosi people rebelled in the past, live on a island and are notoriously savages and quite alike wildlings. I don't see the reason why they should go south nor love Starks. They have been conquered and subjugated, quite alike Iron Men. And like them, they will try to become independent ASAP they can.

All your conjunctions are based on what? Some textual evidence? As far as we know, yes, they rebelled, but they also respected Starks and acknowledged them as Kings and later Lords. Now we have Rickon there, and one could argue that the fact the boy is alive means something. Also, I wouldn't disregards love for Starks. We have discarded it once and then Manderly reminded us that some things are not easily forgotten. All in all, I don't see why they wouldn't support Rickon. Unless of course, you know something that I am not aware of.

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Allmost all people does the same mistake. Stannis army at BW was 1/3 Dragon stones houses, 1/3 reach houses (fossoway, oakhart,, florents, etc) and only 1/3 Storm Lands houses. If you add that half of them changed sides during the battle, no more than 4000 SL fighters should have died.

The main strenght of the SL is still untuched. Most of the lords were holding big parts of their forces (tarth, swann, etc) waiting for a clear winner between Renly and Stannis.

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Which logic? I'm saying I don't see that logic. My post was a kind request for some logic supported by proof, but up until now I only got statements.

Mountain clans could gather 2000 - 3000, and we know this from Jon's POV. Manderly could gather at the moment, at least the same amount, or even more, this we know from Davos POV. Then we have Crannogmen, who most likely don't have some great force, but I imagine it is up to 1000 men. Then all the Houses, from Karstarks, Glovers, Mormonts, Umbers etc weren't completely destroyed. Some like Cerwyns and Dustins suffered less losses. Then we have Skagosi. All in all, when you count all of them, it seems that North could have gathered approximately 40 000 men.

Oh boy. Should I get involved...Decisions,decisions...

Please, you are the best in these things... We all have our PhD in some area of ASOIAF, yours is military :)

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Mountain clans could gather 2000 - 3000, and we know this from Jon's POV. Manderly could gather at the moment, at least the same amount, or even more, this we know from Davos POV. Then we have Crannogmen, who most likely don't have some great force, but I imagine it is up to 1000 men. Then all the Houses, from Karstarks, Glovers, Mormonts, Umbers etc weren't completely destroyed. Some like Cerwyns and Dustins suffered less losses. Then we have Skagosi. All in all, when you count all of them, it seems that North could have gathered approximately 40 000 men.

Please, you are the best in these things... We all have our PhD in some area of ASOIAF, yours is military :)

[spoliers] Arnolf Karstark met Stannis in AWOW sample chapter with 700 men [/spoilers] A good sign that most of the houses can still call 1/3 of what they send to Robb.
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Who does tell you that they have such amount of men?

Who does tell you these people (skagos?!) will fight for Starks?

Who does tell you these people are provided with any army?

Who does tell you that these people army are capable of fighting against armies of south, rather than - quite alike crannogmen - only good at defensive strategies on local/north country?

Why Robb left behind 2/3 of the war potential of his country? Instead of begging Frey for 2000 men I would have commanded my men for all their men.

I think your numbers are based on assumptions, I don't recall any of such numbers in the book.

GRRM himself. It's straight in the books.

Oh boy. Should I get involved...Decisions,decisions...

Probably not. It ain't exactly constructive at the moment.

Mountain clans could gather 2000 - 3000, and we know this from Jon's POV. Manderly could gather at the moment, at least the same amount, or even more, this we know from Davos POV. Then we have Crannogmen, who most likely don't have some great force, but I imagine it is up to 1000 men. Then all the Houses, from Karstarks, Glovers, Mormonts, Umbers etc weren't completely destroyed. Some like Cerwyns and Dustins suffered less losses. Then we have Skagosi. All in all, when you count all of them, it seems that North could have gathered approximately 40 000 men.

Please, you are the best in these things... We all have our PhD in some area of ASOIAF, yours is military :)

Unlikely. The Reeds are a major House, that means several thousand men. They are clearly distinguished from the petty Lords with 1,000 men or less. The Wull would be an example for one such with his 700 men (or was it 900?). I say the Reeds can field 3,000, that number seems to be a bit below the average for Northern Lords.

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Unlikely. The Reeds are a major House, that means several thousand men. They are clearly distinguished from the petty Lords with 1,000 men or less. The Wull would be an example for one such with his 700 men (or was it 900?). I say the Reeds can field 3,000, that number seems to be a bit below the average for Northern Lords.

Perhaps, I am not the best with the House numbers. I know approximately for the Great Houses, and some tidbits about several big Houses like Freys, Hightowers, Lords Declarants... It could be 3000 men, for sure...

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In brief, the North can raise as many men as the Vale, and the Lords Declarant on their own can raise 20k men in very little time. Hence the Vale's total strength is significantly above the 20k level. Probably twice that.

Torhenn Stark marched down the Neck with an army of 30k to face Aegon the Conqueror 300 years ago. Now some try to claim that this signifies the full strength of the North, but if you think about it for a few moments, just to GET to Greywater Watch would be a march of over 1000 miles for half the Northern army. The Last Hearth, Karhold, Bear Island, the Mountain Clan Lands, Deepwood Motte, even the Dreadfort are all 1000 miles or more away from Greywater Watch.

And even Winterfell is about 600 miles from Moat Cailin, and about 1000 miles from the southern border of the Neck. So quite frankly, to even get a single Northern force of 30,000 men through the Neck is probably an immense feat of coordination, logistics and leadership. It is likely impossible to march any larger Northern host to a war in the South, even if the North has a full strength of 50,000 men.

So all that Torhenn Stark's host tells us, is that Robb's 20,000 men are nowhere near the total strength of the North. Torhenn's 30,000 men gives us an absolute lower limit for the North's strength, but no upper limit.

Now, since the North grows colder and less fertile as you go North, it is logical that areas like White Harbor, the Rills etc. are far more fertile than the cold Umber or Karstark lands that are almost 1000 miles further North. Hence, you are likely to see higher population densities in these southern areas.

If Roose Bolton can raise 4000-5000 men, as he has demonstrated over the course of the war, then Manderly must be able to raise significantly more than that. He rules a city of tens of thousands in addition to the most fertile and economically valuable land in the North. So 8000 men is a very reasonable figure for Lord Manderly's strength. Which is interesting, considering he has shown us only about 2000 men to date. The rest were held back to defend White Harbor at Robb's orders.

The same goes for the Dustins who deliberately held the bulk of their forces back from Robb's war (as admitted by Lady Dustin herself), and the Ryswells who are in cahoots with the Dustins.

So too the Skagosi, who sent no men with Robb, and the Mountain Clans who have 3000 men with Stannis.

We also see the Karstarks raise more men in Dance, as do the Mormonts, and Glover men piling out of the Wolfswood to join Stannis's host.

Extrapolate this across the entire North and I reckon there is a remaining force of around 25000 Northmen, of which about 20,000 are new forces, while the remainder are the 4000 or so that came back with Roose as survivors of Robb's initial campaign.

This is in addition to the roughly 2000 Northmen who have died in the North while Robb was campaigning in the South.


This is a conservative figure, I might add. I think it is quite possible that there are 30,000 Northmen available, as I think 45,000 is the likely figure for the total strength of the North. I just don't think all of that strength can be raised together in one big host. The North cannot support the supply lines necessary to maintain such a host on the march.

But multiple local hosts of around 10k per sub-province of the North, that I think can be done, or alternatively, consecutive larger combined hosts in the 20k region. But not 45k all at once. The logistical strength is not present to sustain such a gathering, in contrast to what we saw with Renly's supposed 100k on the Rose Road.

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GRRM himself. It's straight in the books.

Yeah, my bad I didn't see it. I won't ask for the index page, it would be too much of an effort to ask as a favour.

Mountain clans could gather 2000 - 3000, and we know this from Jon's POV. Manderly could gather at the moment, at least the same amount, or even more, this we know from Davos POV. Then we have Crannogmen, who most likely don't have some great force, but I imagine it is up to 1000 men. Then all the Houses, from Karstarks, Glovers, Mormonts, Umbers etc weren't completely destroyed. Some like Cerwyns and Dustins suffered less losses. Then we have Skagosi. All in all, when you count all of them, it seems that North could have gathered approximately 40 000 men.

You must have a PhD in math, I resign. It is clearly as you say.

All your conjunctions are based on what? Some textual evidence?

Nothing. I didn't assert any statement. I gave some opinions clearly stated as such, but - most of all - I questioned your own PoVs masked as factual data.

Luckily you have proved me wrong so strongly that I must thank you. It doesn't happen so often to get the change of learning something new, by the way.

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Well, considering that you neglected 10,000 men mentioned several times as being on the march, proving you wrong was easy.

And considering that Mladen, Free Northman and myself have participated in such threads about once per week for two and a half years, not writing yet another extensive essay should be understandable.

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