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New trilogy featuring Fitz and the Fool by Robin Hobb


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I have been reading this book for a couple weeks now, finished couple days ago.. To put this in perspective, i read the second Anthony Ryan book in a day..

Why so slow? fear and trepidation..

Robin Hobb is my favorite author FitzChivalry Farseer my favorite character in All of fantasy, so plz forgive me all who are offended when i say fuck you robin hobb..

Now that i have gotten that off my chest..

I wasnt looking forward to this book, i knew that for it to be any good traumatic shit of life changing proportion would have to be the order of the day, this is an excellent book and all my fears are realised, i suck at the spoilers thingy so i will just say i am sucked in and cant wait till the next installmment , but seriously robin, enough already...

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i will just say i am sucked in and cant wait till the next installmment , but seriously robin, enough already.

I definitly have the feeling that this is the end for Fitz... the introduction of a new PoV character in his own story is a clear indication that Bee will be the character of a new generation and I wouldnt be surprised at all if, after this trilogy, Robin returns to Kelsingra, Bingtown and the Rain Wild and that Bee will show up there, interracting with Malta, Thymara, and the others...

But for Fitz, I really feel like Robin is giving us a finale closure on her character. This is gonna be his last great adventure, I'm sure of it and I'm glad she goes back to him one last time so we can all say farewell to him properly.

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That is my fear too, meaning this is going to end with his death. Especially now that we have another POV character (kind of hard--though not impossible--to pull off a death in the first-person format, particularly where it is meant to be the future writings of that narrator). So it's bittersweet--so nice to read about Fitz again, but also sad to take him out of his (mostly) HAE and put him through hell again.

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Just finished it recently.

Like many have said, this is my favourite fantasy series, Fitz is one of my favourite characters and it's a bit of a shame to see him put through hell again after having a perfectly nice ending to his story already. Not only that but you've got another first person narrator who's going to be put through hell in her turn.

However, it is nice to finally meet somebody who only looks at Fitz with admiration and appreciation (more or less), like he deserves. Nettle is a total disappointment in that respect.

One other minor complaint is that it seemed more or less obvious what was going on at any point - white prophets, unexpected sons and so on. It kind of lacks a compelling mystery like the dragons/elderlings provided. Although the Fool's retcon is intriguing.

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Well, perhaps retcon is too strong a word. I just meant -

How the Fool isn't a full white prophet, just has a lot of wp blood in him. And how the prophecies about the unexpected son never referred to Fitz like he'd previously thought. And the lovely, peaceful world he lived in isn't really that.

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There were hints that the lovely, peaceful world he lived in was deeply flawed in previous books. They supported the Pale Woman and her horrible plans, they tortured the Fool (tatooing his back). The place he really misses and remembers with such nostalgia is his home village where his family lived not the white prophet school where he was sent to later. But their cruelty was a surprise.

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There were hints that the lovely, peaceful world he lived in was deeply flawed in previous books. They supported the Pale Woman and her horrible plans, they tortured the Fool (tatooing his back). The place he really misses and remembers with such nostalgia is his home village where his family lived not the white prophet school where he was sent to later. But their cruelty was a surprise.

I think john meant "lovely peaceful world" as Fitz's world in Withywood, with Patience, Molly and her sons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish I'd waited to read this. You'd think I would be used to waiting for the next installment in a great fantasy series, but I take solace in the fact that Robin Hobb actually appears dedicated to finishing books rather than enjoying the fame those books have brought her.

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I wish I'd waited to read this. You'd think I would be used to waiting for the next installment in a great fantasy series, but I take solace in the fact that Robin Hobb actually appears dedicated to finishing books rather than enjoying the fame those books have brought her.

only 10 months and counting

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I wish I'd waited to read this. You'd think I would be used to waiting for the next installment in a great fantasy series, but I take solace in the fact that Robin Hobb actually appears dedicated to finishing books rather than enjoying the fame those books have brought her.

Some of you people really need to get over yourselves.

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Avoiding spoilers here, but can I jump into any of Hobb's series' without reading the others? Like, could I just jump into Tawny Man or Rain Wilds without reading the Farseer trilogy?

Not so much with Tawny Man, as it is a direct sequel to the Farseer trilogy.

Rain Wilds is a little better but the major plot of it is directly set up in the Live Ship Traders books.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Regarding mysterious parentage of new characters:

My working theory is that Fitz infused himself with DNA from Nighteyes and the Fool when he pressed blood into the memory stone. As I read, I figured that the blood on the memory stone fused the Fool into Fitz, and that explained how his child would be a White (which I began to suspect when Molly was claiming to be pregnant for so long) and the "Unexpected Son."

HelenaandtheMachine's comment made me think that this applies to Nighteyes as well and explains why Bee can communicate with him so fully.

Regarding horrid new characters:

WargArry, I so completely agree with your feelings about Shun. I'm slightly discomfited by the strength of my revulsion. Usually, I'm all hopeful for redemption or interested in understanding a character's flaws, but I really just want her gone in some spectacular come-uppance that she brings upon herself.

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