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Quick iron born question

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I recently reread the chapter where asha was taken by stannis and she mentions the 9 iron born left after the skirmish at deepwood motte. I know quarl the maid was a survivor for sure and that dagmer cleftjaw holds torrens square. I was just wondering if there is any chance that they might play a role in the future of what is to happen in the north.

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Maybe they will, but I think that there are too few of them to have a significant effect on the future events in the North.

I disagree. I think that, if Martin chose to have these survivors and then sent them to Stannis' camp, he must have a good reason for it. I have 2 theories:

1) Qarl, Tristifer and the others were ransomed by Tycho Nestoris to accompany him to Stannis' camp. I've been saying 1 thing forever: that the Iron Bank will take advantage of the political situation in Westeros to take a piece of the power. That's why they are backing Stannis up, they wouldn't go through all this trouble of funding some guy fighting in the snow just so he can pay them back when he gets the throne. They want more, they want the spoils of war, so they are investing heavily in Stannis. We know they are lending him a shit load of money because in the WoW chapter he orders his envoys to

hire the Golden Company if they're available

and those guys are fucking expensive.

But the Iron Bank knows that putting Stannis on the throne is not enough. They need lords who support this new regime. That's where the Ironborn come in. I bet that all along the way from Deepwood Motte to Stannis' camp, Qarl and Tris were telling Tycho all about Asha, how good a leader she is and how close she was to become queen of the Iron Islands. They probably told him that Asha needs Theon to undo the kingsmoot and they probably told him that the Ironborn under Asha/Theon's rule would be most helpful for the Iron Bank's interest. They probably made a little detour to Torrhen's Square and talk to Dagmer to plan an ambush, which leads me to...

2) In the WoW chapter

Asha tries to persuade Stannis to let Theon go. Stannis refuses and Asha convinces him to at least behead him in front of the heart tree over the frozen lake

Asha knows Stannis wouldn't refuse to that, honorable as he is. She also knows she needs Theon to beat Euron's claim, so she wouldn't give up on him so easily. At this point she is no longer in shackles; she and the ironborn are free to move around Stannis' camp and they are going to fight on Stannis' side against the Bolton. There's a blizzard. Stannis won't take all his troops to the frozen lake to kill Theon, just a handful. The ironborn could set a trap there to ambush him and get Theon away, or maybe they'll wait until the battle, to realease Theon while everyone fights the Boltons.

Also, I think Ramsey wrote the pink letter and I think I can make a pretty strong case for it (not in this thread), eventhough I don't think everything he says is true. But I do think that he had to attack Stannis' camp to know some things in the letter, and as we know, he couldn't find Theon or his body (in fact, he makes no mention of any ironborn) so maybe the ambush did happen

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I agree that he could have easily killed them If they have no importance to the story. I like the idea of them setting theon free. I think that theon can't die and that asha will end up being the sacrifice due to her chapter headings.

Yes, I think Asha could die, and her last command to her crew will be to put Theon on the Seastone Chair. But I'm not so sure, I hope she survives.

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I recently reread the chapter where asha was taken by stannis and she mentions the 9 iron born left after the skirmish at deepwood motte. I know quarl the maid was a survivor for sure and that dagmer cleftjaw holds torrens square. I was just wondering if there is any chance that they might play a role in the future of what is to happen in the north.

They'll need them to take the Dreadfort after Roose has legged it from Winterfell.

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