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Baby Names of Ice and Fire


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Yeah I mean when you get right down to it biblical names are no different from any other folklore names.

In truth I cannot think of any reason not name a child something more exotic other than other people being assholes. For example; the kid may get bullied, that's other people being assholes, he/she could have difficulty finding a job, that's also other people being judgemental assholes.

I can't come up with one valid reason other than other people will be an asshole or judgemental when they shouldn't. I wish more people were bold enough to name their children something different. Then we wouldn't have to deal with this rather silly convention.

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As long as it doesn't cause your child problems later in life. Kids can be awfull to each other and to even though you think a name is awesome in 2013,your child will have to live with the name you give them. Be a kind and considerate parent... now where are those damn kids.... Roose! Walder! Your mother sez dinners ready!

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Kids have a desire to fit in and an unusual name will lead to teasing.

Not necessarily. I have an unusual name and I never really got teased for it. There may have been a handful of other kids over time that tried to make fun of me for it, but I would just ignore that sort of thing and they just stop because they see it isn't bothering me.

To contribute to the thread, I recently adopted and nursed back to health a feral kitten and I named her Arya. Lives up to her name too, haha. If I was to have kids I might give them names from the series, or names from Tolkien's works. Since I don't plan on having kids at all, I'll just keep it relegated to animal companions.

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As someone with an "exotic" name myself, i can tell you it's annoying as hell during roll call at school.

If you want to name your child Daenerys, please, for her sake, cut it down to Dany from the very beginning. No kid wants to go through the whole "you say it like Dan-Air-Ess (or a variation of that), my parents really liked this fantasy series, please just call me Dany" thing every time they meet someone.

I actually really like the names like Robb, Brandon, Elia, Lyanna etc. I don't have a problem with ones like Theon, Asha, Sansa and Arya, either.

I think it's nice to name your child after a character, as long as it's not a pain in the ass for the kid and they won't get bullied for it. Think about it, would you like to be called Galadriel?

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...and what great way to introduce some classical literature to the coming generations.

ASOIAF is classical lit?

I don't have kids and won't have kids but I don't find it unusual to name kids after characters in a book or film/show. Most people I know get inspiration on baby names from these sorts of things. For the most part, most of the main characters of the series have pretty typical names, just with atypical spellings or with a very minor variation. Those parents who want to choose one of the more unusual names, like Aenys or Euron or Hizdahr, are probably those types who would have chosen a dumb and inappropriate name anyway.

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i'd never name my kids after something from the books, cos it would be something that would stay with them for the rest of the lives, and i think that kind of decision shouldn't really be based on a book character, no matter how awesome the series is. Of course, i probably wont mind naming my kid one of the normal names from the books (Jon,Ned, Robert,Brandon, etc) but i probably wouldnt be influenced too much by the fact that there are aSoIaF characters with the same name, it might be an added bonus, though. But i definitely wouldnt name my kids Danaerys, Theon, or Pate.

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I have a 4 month old called Arya, I always liked the name from reading AGOT in the late 90's, I also have a 14yr old called Catlain.

In essence your not really naming your kids after characters as these names are hundreds if not thousands of years old and ASOIAF as just brought them to the fore and into the public eye.

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Am i really the only one who'd name his daughter Elia ?

Nope, i would too! I think it's a beautiful name and it sounds especially lovely in French, which is nice as i plan to raise my children bilingual. Elia is probably my favourite of the asoiaf names, in-universe and out :)

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