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  1. That's certainly a....quantity...of words.
  2. https://www.wired.com/story/brandon-sanderson-is-your-god/ Apparently Sanderson fans are in high dudgeon. I chuckled a few times, but then I generally disdain his stuff. Certainly is making boat-loads of cash.....err...towers?
  3. RIP. A minor note in his career, of course, but I think Sneakers is one of my ten favorite movies...
  4. Is there a convenient way to get the complete Black Heart right now?
  5. Wow, there is reductionism, and then there is nuking-it-from-orbit level bad takes....
  6. Interesting - I really liked the tone of The Barrow. I may jump on the $5, assuming there is a modicum of editing to the in-progress chapters.
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