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Freerider (2/8)

  1. what do they mean by its over? that hes dead dead and no longer in the show at all? or that hes dead but will possibly be brought back some way?
  2. what do they mean by its over? that hes dead dead and no longer in the show at all? or that hes dead but will possibly be brought back some way?
  3. loved this episode really good stuff. i havent seen it brought up in this thread unless i missed it. but if there shipping LF off to the erie than would not the pw have to happen this season or am i missing something? he cant leave to go there with out taking sansa with him right? idk i thought the pw was next season but if not than thats great to me. i may have some small grapes about the episode as others have mentioned. but the LF leaving thing was the only thing that confused me not a complaint more confused?
  4. jaime would be severly atorpied how ever you spell it what happens to your muscles when your confined and dont use them also malenorished and lets not forget hands bond. dont take me wrong brin is good but could she best a completely healthy two handed jaime? i think not.
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