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Big Daddy Dave

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Everything posted by Big Daddy Dave

  1. To the poster who was upset we didn't see the tents burning, it looks like next week's season finale picks up right where this left off, much like ep 9 of season 1 was picked up the next week seconds after Ned was beheaded. The previews for next week show Roose on the rooftop watching all the tents burning and collapsing in front of the twins. In fact, I think we may see Greywind's head sown onto Robb's body for all to see next week.
  2. I'm all for Merreen getting burned to the ground. There IS no better time. Dany is away with one dragon, probably recruiting a new Dothraki army. If she comes back to find Merreen utterly destroyed and her other two dragons taken? And a fleet of ships with something resembling an army at her disposal? Then she pretty much HAS to get the f*ck out of Dodge and head for Westeros. I think we all agree that storyline needs to end NOW. Dany really should be making a dramatic entrance on the shores of Westeros by the end of TWOW so she has the whole final book to get her story done. That means, bam!, out of Merreen after the battle. If Vic blows the horn this helps that along. Why else introduce the horn to the story? Why prophecize Dany seeing a corpse at the bow of a ship? Why even bring the boats if she isn't going to use them? Seems to me what you guys are piecing together in on the right path; Vic will die and Dany will seize his ships. That's all they were ever good for anyway. Selmy will probably die as well, but I wouldn't bet the rent on it just because it looks so obvious. As for Merreen's destruction, why is it so against the character's path? If she's gone when it happens she's absolved of any blame and the whole thing is taken out of her hands. If she comes back and there's nothing to rule she can say, "you know what? This is an omen I need to get back to my real purpose, reclaiming the iron throne". And if her dragons are missing and someone tells her they are being taken to KL or somewhere in Westeros? Instant course correction for Dany.
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