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The Dragon has three heads

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Everything posted by The Dragon has three heads

  1. Hahahahaha dude get with the fucking program, everyone in hollywood knows this season was utter shite. The irony of the Sam montage is real. Even adult swim took a shot at GOT and good fucking on them, someone needs to tell them to get their act together.
  3. I'm kind of hoping we get a flash back to the last conversation Euron and Balon had. I think Balon wanted to kill him but was too afraid of kin slaying. I think everyone knew about Euron.
  4. Book puritans are most likely seething that the show has spoiled them on said revelations, I consider myself one also but putting a blanket ban on how the show affects the books is beyond retarded.
  5. Given where the mummers version is at, and the spoilers we are seeing, it is all a bit silly. these spoilers have far reaching reprocussions, especially in heresy. First the terrible, TERRIBLE phone ads, now this.
  6. So, they kill discussin based on the show? What's the fucking point?
  7. More like H8... I just...why bother keeping Barry in for 4 seasons to not even fulfill his plot... Oh WAIT unless he dies basically straight out of the gate in WOW...so yeah thanks for the spoilers again...
  8. They should have killed grey worm so we don't have to sit through their awkward doomed to failure love story. Vomit. Instead we keep eye candy and loose story.
  9. Sand snake intro scene was soooooo meh. Come on. Pls. Ellaria is the only good thing going on there. And Barry. Why. The. Fuck.
  10. They're bringing in grey worm/missendei thing so when the harpy kills him we have a connection to him. She has no brother in the show and there's going to need to be some stakes to make Danny's season 5 exciting. So, death to grey worm.
  11. The iron bank will have it's due. The show runners have this all well in hand. Everyone needs to relax. Especially the stannis fanbois. His change is coming.
  12. This Ep is bad. I'm not the only one right?
  13. Totally, but it was over acted and too bombastically, to the point where my 3 non book reading friends were like, awkward scene, not well shot or executed, regardless of what happens in the book. A little understated behind the eyes work could have made a drastic difference to the quality of this scene. But hey, whatever.
  14. Yeah to me it would have been so much more effective if he drunkenly opened the door and as soon as it closed behind him he strode to pour himself a big drink, sculled it, and let his anger cool down. Shrug.
  15. Drunk tyrion n was very awkward. I was hoping it was all an 'act' following Tywins lead in giving him a way out of a potential bad situation by hamming it up, but then he kept going with it into the room with Sansa, average scene at best...IMHO.
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