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Brother Seamus

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  1. I agree the High Sparrow is being set up as a major villain. more to come.
  2. Here is the latest, from a 7/22/23 grrm blog post, for what it's worth. i guess it could be worse. And, yes, yes, of course, I’ve been working on WINDS OF WINTER. Almost every day. Writing, rewriting, editing, writing some more. Making steady progress. Not as fast as I would like.. .certainly not as fast as YOU would like… but progress nonetheless. It keeps me out of trouble.
  3. My prediction/hope is that he is not resurrected but is grievously injured and in a coma until after the 3/4 mark of wow, when he revives, and finds that his siblings have begun to gather at winterfell, and then he travels there and the siblings, maybe with the exception of Bran, are reunited.
  4. I've also been partial to the notion that Illyrio and Varys were really behind fAegon all along; that the idea was to get Viserys and some dothraki to invade; Viserys would be discredited by allying himself with foreign savages; the weserosi would have a hard time against the dothraki, but would fight back and hold out for a while; fAegon and the golden company could then ride in and tip the balance and save the day, repel the foreign invader, kill viserys, and take the throne. so the viserys/drogo/dany plot was to soften up westeros for fAegon's invasion, discredit and get rid of Viserys, and set fAegon up as a conquering savior hero; three birds one stone. oh, and the golden company finally gets their due after generations of waiting; four birds.
  5. another reason why I think fAegon was part of the story from early on is that the english wars of the roses is the main - though far from the only - historical source and analog for the story, and that history includes the Perkin Warbeck episode, when some guy shows up after Henry Tudor has won and become Henry VII, and claims to be one of the "boys in the tower," the sons of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville who were imprisoned in the tower of london by their uncle, Richard III, and never seen again.
  6. I think your degree of confidence is unfounded. Marrying Dany to Drogo is at least equally consistent with getting her and Viserys out of the way for fAegon. is it really a reliable plan to think that a 13-year old girl is going to influence Drogo to cross the sea and invade westeros? yes, there is supposed to be some kind of understanding between Illyrio/Viserys and Drogo, but there's no way to hold him to it. What they didn't anticipate is the dragons and Dany's leadership abilities. BTW, on the agreement that Drogo would invade as a kind of quid pro quo for Dany: what do we see directly in terms of Drogo acknowledging this obligation? I think there's a scene in GOT where Viserys demands they invade, and Drogo basically says I'll get to it when I get to it. Correct? The he kills Viserys soon after, so arguably at that point invading westeros is not so much in the cards. Then Drogo more or less promises Dany he'll do it after the attempt on her life, but it seems he was at best 50-50 before that. Do I remember correctly?
  7. it's heartening to me that he is apparently feeling a sense of urgency.
  8. for the record, this is a dumb debate. this is a fictional story, set in a fictional world. but saying Arya is insane is so obviously objectively wrong and misguided I'll spend a few minutes on it. first, it is apparent she is not psychotic: dissociated from reality, hearing voices, suffering from hallucinations, unable to tell the difference between fantasy and reality, suffering from paranoid delusions, that kind of thing. no evidence of anything like that is in the books. so, according to the normal English-language meaning of insane, she is not insane. Nor do I see her as being psychopathic or sociopathic, both of which involve a lack of empathy for others, psychopathy including pleasure in inflicting pain, sadism, etc., and neither of which is a diagnosis in 5th edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (dsm-V). Arya seems perfectly capable of appreciating the pain, happiness, sadness, joy, etc of others, and there is no indication she takes pleasure in others' suffering. Does she suffer from a mental disorder that falls within the definition of something in the dsm-v? almost certainly. PTSD for sure. but this is subjective stuff. most of us can be said to suffer from emotional/mental disorders or syndromes, from time to time and to some degree. whether a formal diagnosis is justified is a matter of judgment. would she be institutionalized under modern western standards? I doubt it, due to her age, and the fact that most of the violence she inflicted was in self-defense. depending on how her actions came to the attention of the criminal justice system, perhaps long-term mandatory counseling, but maybe not. Arya is 9 when the story starts, around 12 at the end of dwd. she has been traumatized by horrific violence, and de-sensitized to that violence, and found herself in situations where her survival required her to use violence. the cases where she she didn't act in self-defense were committed after she she was horrifically traumatized, and then taken in and fed and protected by a bizarre death cult of assassins. Arya's capacity for violence is understandable if you follow her arc. the fact she has gotten to the point of being trained as an assassin and meting out justice to night watch deserters seems to her like reasonable behavior. to me this is perfectly reasonable, especially given her age. I would suggest that, if you're looking for modern-day analogs, think of child soldiers, such as those in the various African wars, civil wars, insurrections, rebel and outlaw/gangster movements we've been reading about for the past few decades; e.g. Liberia, Congo, Sierra Leone, etc. no doubt some do become psychotic, others are surely crippled by ptsd, and many more have their moral compass permanently and seriously twisted up as a result of what has happened to them. But,those that have gotten away, especially to europe, the US and elsewhere have generally been treated as victims and cared for. I'm sure many are beyond help, but many have gone on to productive and normal lives. So, that's from the modern real-world perspective, which of course is irrelevant to Arya, a fictional character in a fictional world roughly based on medieval Europe. she is set in a fictional society where violence and cruelty are much more acceptable and common, not unlike medieval europe and virtually the entire world for most of human history. while her capacity for violence is unusual in-world, due to her age, she is otherwise not outside the norm. she rightly burns with hatred and vengeance for numerous violent wrongs done to her, her family, and others. no one in-world would say she was unjustified in killing Raff, an act of vengeance, and all her other killings were in self-defense or in combat, other than Dareon and the insurance broker. the killing of dareon was justified and appropriate by in-world morals and rules because he was a night's watch deserter, even if she technically was not one granted authority to levy that penalty. only the assassination of the insurance broker is unjustified, but that is done at the direction of her caretakers, the faceless men, and thus excusable. That said, what becomes of her in the story, personally and psychologically, is an interesting question. I hope it doesn't come as news to anyone that one of the themes and subjects of ASOIAF is the horror of war, and violence in general, and its disproportionate effect on the the common folk, the lower echelons of society. GRRM is a boomer, don't forget, a generation for whom Vietnam and the morality of war was a preoccupying and formative social issue. So, will GRRM show us an adult Arya forever emotionally scarred and dsyfunctional as a result of the trauma she has suffered (and inflicted)? Will we see Arya find some kind of love and redemption and eventually return to a more normal and happy emotional life? will she be able to reintegrate into her family and larger society? We'll see. I have a suspicion that GRRM has some kind of warm feelings for Arya as a character and he will bring her back from the moral abyss and she'll find some form of happiness. But that will be after she inflicts some horrific violence, motivated by revenge. This is a rank guess, but I think that, after she inflicts some extraordinary vengeful violence, her vengeance will bring her some peace and satisfaction, but also that she will ultimately feel revulsion at what she's become, realize that killing people will never make her feel whole, that violence begets violence, and she'll turn back from going completely over the edge. another observation: GRRM likes toying with the revenge trope. Revenge, in case you haven't noticed, is the driving force in lots of popular fictional media, especially movies. it's virtually a cliche movie formula for the bad guys to hurt the protagonist's family - especially children - to set off the narrative where the protagonist goes on a rampage of vengeful violence. it's a plot device to justify all kinds of entertaining carnage and virtually everyone accepts it. one thing GRRM has done is have bad guys get their comeuppance from unexpected quarters, unrelated to their original crimes. Janos Slynt is executed by Jon for nothing related to his betrayal of Ned. Amory Lorch is killed by another psychotic sadist, Vargo Hoat, for sport and pleasure, not for his numerous crimes, such as the attach on Yoren and NW recruits. The mountain is (temporarily) killed in the duel with Oberyn, who is acting out of a desire for revenge for his sister and her children, not for any of the mountain's war crimes against the small folk of the Riverlands. Tywin is killed as a result of emotional cruelty to his own son, not for his war crimes. And so on. Arya's acts of violent revenge may be the ultimate pinnacle of this switcheroo. I'm thinking perhaps GRRM will want us to see her as a kind of avenging angel not just for her family but for thousands of others abused and injured and killed in this absurd and selfish war among the great and the mighty. the ironic twist will lie in the fact that she is a traumatized 12-13 year old girl, who, though the daughter of a great aristocratic family, has spent these 2-3-4 years at the very bottom of society, where she has seen up close how vulnerable the masses are to the violent whims of the elite. GRRM may want us to see Arya's revenge as the revenge of the meek on the mighty, when the meek have finally had enough.
  9. sure it has subjective meanings. people use insane to just mean extraordinary - beyond normal understanding - all the time. "did you see the game? it was insane!" and we constantly say that people who do bad things are crazy or insane, meaning we find the person's behavior unfathomable, without really meaning that the person is "technically" insane. even technically, insane has more than one definition. the legal definition, for an insanity defense, is pretty narrow. I don't think the psychiatry/psychology profession really uses the term in a technical sense, instead classifying people as "psychotic" or "dissociative" or something else. in guardianship law the issue is whether the person is "incapacitated" as a result of mental illness.
  10. idiotic right-wing propaganda, with no connection to reality. fox is rotting your brain.
  11. I agree she's not insane, but that's my point. people are using the word in a much looser sense, which, is not incorrect just a different usage and meaning of the word.
  12. she's obviously not insane, in the normal sense of the word. it looks to me that's really going on here is you're all talking past each other based on an implied disagreement on what insane means. why anyone would want to waste time on a fan site essentially debating vocabulary, without really acknowledging that's what you're doing, is a mystery.
  13. Dany will have a huge army when she gets to westeros: unsullied at least one dothraki khalasar of 5,000-10,000, maybe more several thousand freedmen from slaver's bay most or all of victarion's ironborn two or three of the sellsword companies now at mereen tens of thousands of freedmen from volantis and other city between mereeen and volantis several tens of thousands from lys, pentos, myr and/or tyrosh some or all of which she will conquer before sailing to westeros thousands of random others who flock to her banners from all over essos some kind of force, probably mostly naval, from Braavos, which will throw its weight and funding behind her when they see what has happened to Volantis and the other cities of essos I am probably forgetting some. i predict something in the neighborhood of 200,000 total, by far the greatest army ever assembled in the known history of planetos. and don't forget the dragons. she will be unstoppable, and but for the others would conquer westeros quickly. but, before she completes her conquest, she realizes that the invasion of the others is more important.
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