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  1. Yeah, Rhaenyra is a coldhearted killer. Her plan to send Laenor away only works if a random guard is killed. The only way she would not be responsible for that guards death is if her plan was to actually have Laenor killed and the fake out was Daemon acting on his own since he was doing the practical stuff. Either way a man had to die for Rhaenyra. Definitely not a hero.
  2. Stuff like that for me simply falls under the necessary suspension of disbelief. Rewatch the scene, that fireplace is pityful small for the great hall of Driftmark. Every fireplace in every castle in the series is way too small to warm the big rooms. I just accept that for TV security reasons they are so small, as in reality it would be a wonder if anything remained from the corpse to be identified.
  3. In the woods... how did ser Criston get out of and into his armor? Just a thought after watching episode 4 ;-)
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