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Jory Cassel

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Everything posted by Jory Cassel

  1. Did I miss something or does Margaery having no inkling of the assassination make absolutely zero sense? Poison in the goblet of her husband seems far to uncontrollable, uncertain and dangerous for her not to know due to the risk it poses to herself.
  2. You are absolutely right concerning the order , but I think what silentwanderer refers to is that the taking of Yunkai resembled the taking of Meeren much more than the actual book-battle for Yunkai. Thus entering entering a secret back door to the city to open the gates is the equivalent of the sewer-trick and the subsuquent freeing of the slaves.
  3. agreed. Until I read otherwise I just naturally assumed that the slaves had a tan as most slaves/lower-class-workers used to have in the middle-ages; opposed to highborns who had a pale tan as a sign showing they did not have to work. Didn't notice anything racist before and I still don't. (but I still think the slaves should've been more various, especially concerning clothing) And I don't know why they would change the scene from her riding through the crowd to this silly crowdsurfing, would've worked way better imo.
  4. !! seriously, wtf was that. Varys is that good at juggling words, he could've easily gone along the sympathy track by telling Shae that she was only likely to get under the wheels during the "game of thrones". They have to prepare her treason, no doubt, but unless Varys wants her to turn against Tyrion (which is unlikely since it would require major alterations (edit: now am unsure, was varys plotting against tyrion? fuck, I can't remember..)), this wasn't done well. Also, why not show dead Catelyn in the river, possibly being found by the Brotherhood? By only showing them retrieving the body, this wouldn't even be a slight spoiler
  5. agreed. him breaking that fast bugged me. And he still looked pretty much liked theon, so why not end the season with theon resisting and the appearance of rreek in the next one. arya+hound was amazing though, loved it that they picked up her coin-trick from Harrenhal that has been left out earlier.
  6. yep, the frey's were great. Although I didn't imagine them looking like hobos while reading, they pulled it off. edit: grammar
  7. Don't get me wrong, I liked the interaction between Robb and Cat very much, I think that part war realized extremely well; Fairleys acting was great. Yet it just felt like there was something missing. All the loyalists going down in just a few seconds somehow felt wrong and the impression of complete chaos I got while reading just wasn't there in the way I imagined it.
  8. THIS. didn't like this focus shift. The significance of killing the King in the North and all his bannermen who could've continued the war is downplayed. Not that it mattered storywise since they didn't show up in season 3 anyway, sucked nevertheless Although the next episode will show the stark host being shattered, Robb seemed deserted in the episode, contrary to the book-scene where the northmen go down together, still putting up a fight.
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