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Is Stannis main motivation for the crown to prove himself better than Robert?


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Robert having no trueborns just gave him an excuse to claim the throne. He's always wanted something like the handship or storms end

Robert having no trueborns made him Robertslegal heir. And he was right to always want something since he always deserved it (Storm's End especially), but all he got what this rock in the blackwater and Selyse Florent.

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Stannis has become one of my favorite characters partly because of how he exemplifies Stoicism and honestly believes he is acting out of a sense of duty and honor. He has his emotional wounds from being overlooked but, in my view, he does not allow it to influence his course of action since he truly believes that he is King by right of Westerosi law.

He tells Davos in A Storm of Swords that he did not wish for the crown and is only doing so because he is bound by duty to follow in Robert's place:

"It is not a question of wanting. The throne is mine, as Robert’s heir. That is law. After me, it must pass to my daughter, unless Selyse should finally give me a son.” He ran three fingers lightly down the table, over the layers of smooth hard varnish, dark with age. “I am king. Wants do not enter into it. I have a duty to my daughter. To the realm. Even to Robert. He loved me but little, I know, yet he was my brother."

He accepts the mission to secure the Iron Throne mainly because he feels it's his responsibility, not because he wants to follow Robert onto it.

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