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What happened/will happen to Dawn?

Ser Lewis

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I have been pondering this for a while and wonder if it will play any sort of role in the story to come.

There have been plenty of Valaryan Steel weapons mentioned in the books, most of which are just looked over as just being impressive weapons with a deadly edge. Then you have the more notable ones which tend to be mentioned the most (Ice, Longclaw, Oathkeeper etc etc).

The thing that puzzles me is that you don't seem to hear much of the greatsword, Dawn. Now I know that the title "Sword of the Morning" is only bestowed upon Daynes worthy enough to wield the sword (Arthur Dayne was not a first son but said to be one of the most deadly knights in the Seven Kingdoms) and the current Lord of Starfall is a squire for Berric Dondarrion. Every other family Valaryan Steel sword tends to be passed down from generation to generation (he who inherits the name and title, inherits the weapon) but the Daynes do things differently.

Dawn is unique. It is not Valaryan Steel, although it is said to have similar properties. It is said to be "pale as milkglass" where Valaryan Steel is so dark it is almost black and "forged from the heart of a fallen star". All this strikes me as far too unique to be forgotten about and not play some sort of part in the story to come.

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There are theories that it could be Dragonsteel, the one Sam and Jon were talking about before Sam left for Oldtown. It comes from a First Man House so it's old enough to be around the first Long Night and falling stars are sometimes associated with dragons, so they could have named it "Dragonsteel" because of they thought it might have been a dragon.

So if it is then it could be important in Jon's storyline.

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^ Yea Ashara doesn't have an extremely suspicious suicide and there's a zero percent chance the man constantly regarded as the best knight ever escaped ned and howland

There's definitely more to the story than we have access to through our various unreliable narrators. But I don't think they (Ashara and Arthur) will have further roles to play. Too many past figures popping up conveniently (Jon Connington, Aegon, etc). Sometimes there's some loose narrative threads just to make the world feel a little more realistic.

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Dawn is definitely going to play a role. George has been far too secretive about this sword in interviews, if it wasn't important he could just give us all the information.

But I don't think it's "lightbringer," since I'm not convinced that lightbringer is a sword. Prophecies are often symbolic and George has gone out of his way to show us, that Melisandre misinterprets a great deal of them. It would be way too straight forward, that the sword against the darkness that has been mentioned since book 2 is really just a flaming sword to hack Others into puddles.

Especially, since dragonglass weapons kill Others just as well. And this great, mystical weapon just... does that, too? That's... anticlimactic.

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Dawn is definitely going to play a role. George has been far too secretive about this sword in interviews, if it wasn't important he could just give us all the information.

But I don't think it's "lightbringer," since I'm not convinced that lightbringer is a sword. Prophecies are often symbolic and George has gone out of his way to show us, that Melisandre misinterprets a great deal of them. It would be way too straight forward, that the sword against the darkness that has been mentioned since book 2 is really just a flaming sword to hack Others into puddles.

Especially, since dragonglass weapons kill Others just as well. And this great, mystical weapon just... does that, too? That's... anticlimactic.

I agree with this. It would be too much of a "is that it?" moment.

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Ned took Dawn to Starfall, and it's still there (I think Darkstar mentioned it).

It will be weilded by a Dayne of Starfall who's worthy of it. Ned Dayne has to hurry back home, I think. Does it's weilder necessarily have to be a man? Would be awesome if Allyria Dayne had the sword.

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I think Dawn is also as likely as anything else to be in Lyanna's tomb

Yeah as do I.

Maybe with a crown and a marriage certificate.

Sad thinking somehow maybe jon could turn this into a weapon of mass destruction against the others only if paid for with his own life or something.

Cant imagine how sad it would be to watch jon grow up a bastard, thinking he was discarded,watching his family die off, falling in love to watch her die, only to find out it wasnt his mother missing all those years, she was dead below him and his father was a dead prince, realize hes royal only in time to sacrifice himself to wield the weapon that would save everyone else.

Read that listening to you know nothing theme and try not to cry

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