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If Quentyn is alive, what will he do in the WoW?

Dany Equals Big Bad

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He let the Yronwoods foster his son as the blood price. That didn't sully him in the least. Did you even read those chapters at all? Quentyn was supposed to inherit Dorne beause Arianne was going to be wed to Viserys and unable to rule Dorne. That changed when Viserys died.

Doran intentionally sent his son off to fail and possibly die on a "long and perilous journey." And the only explanation for that cruelty I can think of is that Quentyn became too Yronwoodized and, thus, became an expendable pawn. If you have a better explanation, I'd love to hear it.

Keep in mind, there are two very important things to know about Doran:

1) He is a grand planner. In fact, he's THE grand planner. If GRRM has a grand finale plan, Doran's scheme is it. Tywin Lannister considers him "cautious," "reasoned," "subtle," and "deliberate." He is a man who "weighs the consequences of every word and every action." Tywin said this about him! (Tyrion VI, ASoS)

2) Doran has clearly said that his goal is "Vengence" (The Princess in the Tower, AFfC)

Vengence. Not power. Not advancement of his House. Not the Iron Throne. Vengence. For what? For the death of Elia? Tywin Lannister is dead. The Mountain is dead. In fact, the entire Lannister House is in absolute ruin. If Doran simply wanted vengence on the Lannisters, he would have thrown in with Renly or Stannis or Robb and slaughtered them.

No, Doran wants vengence on everyone. EVERYONE! Including the Yronwoods.

But, its pretty darn clear Quentyn was a sacrifice. Doran sent him off surrounded by Yronwoods with no knowledge of dragons to bring back dragons. Where are the Martell men? Where is the fleet of ships? Where is the money? Doran even has connections in the Free Cities, but Quentyn's gang makes no use of them.

Compare Doran's efforts with the Iron Island's efforts and tell me Quentyn wasn't sent off to die.

Incidentally, I also think Doran's plan to marry Arienne to Viserys is either a lie or over-stated. Doran has connections in the free cities, but gave zero help to Viserys. Viserys had to become the Beggar King instead.

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Doran intentionally sent his son off to fail and possibly die on a "long and perilous journey." And the only explanation for that cruelty I can think of is that Quentyn became too Yronwoodized and, thus, became an expendable pawn. If you have a better explanation, I'd love to hear it.

Keep in mind, there are two very important things to know about Doran:

1) He is a grand planner. In fact, he's THE grand planner. If GRRM has a grand finale plan, Doran's scheme is it. Tywin Lannister considers him "cautious," "reasoned," "subtle," and "deliberate." He is a man who "weighs the consequences of every word and every action." Tywin said this about him! (Tyrion VI, ASoS)

2) Doran has clearly said that his goal is "Vengence" (The Princess in the Tower, AFfC)

Vengence. Not power. Not advancement of his House. Not the Iron Throne. Vengence. For what? For the death of Elia? Tywin Lannister is dead. The Mountain is dead. In fact, the entire Lannister House is in absolute ruin. If Doran simply wanted vengence on the Lannisters, he would have thrown in with Renly or Stannis or Robb and slaughtered them.

No, Doran wants vengence on everyone. EVERYONE! Including the Yronwoods.

But, its pretty darn clear Quentyn was a sacrifice. Doran sent him off surrounded by Yronwoods with no knowledge of dragons to bring back dragons. Where are the Martell men? Where is the fleet of ships? Where is the money? Doran even has connections in the Free Cities, but Quentyn's gang makes no use of them.

Compare Doran's efforts with the Iron Island's efforts and tell me Quentyn wasn't sent off to die.

Incidentally, I also think Doran's plan to marry Arienne to Viserys is either a lie or over-stated. Doran has connections in the free cities, but gave zero help to Viserys. Viserys had to become the Beggar King instead.

Yeah you didn't read the chapters did you? Doran explicitly lays out why he didn't use his connections or Dorne's extensive resources to help Doran or bring Viserys over.

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Yeah you didn't read the chapters did you? Doran explicitly lays out why he didn't use his connections or Dorne's extensive resources to help Doran or bring Viserys over.

Well, that means you can explicitly provide the quotes on why Doran gave zero support to Viserys and next to zero support to Quentyn.

I warmly welcome them.

Doran's describes his plan for Quentyn as "a harder road" with an "uncertain welcome at it's end," yet Quentyn is to bring back "vengeance." (Princess in the Tower, AFfC)

If Quentyn's road is difficult and success uncertain, how can Doran expect vengeance?

Essentially, Doran has laid out a plan where there's 99% chance Quentyn will fail, but that failure plays into Doran's hand. And a 1% Quentyn will succeed, which, I guess, would also play into his hand.

Keep in mind, Doran specifically says "Quentyn should be the one conspiring against me." (Princess in the Tower, AFfC) Why? Has Duran wronged Quentyn? Why, yes, yes he has.

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Well, that means you can explicitly provide the quotes on why Doran gave zero support to Viserys and next to zero support to Quentyn.

I warmly welcome them.

Doran's describes his plan for Quentyn as "a harder road" with an "uncertain welcome at it's end," yet Quentyn is to bring back "vengeance." (Princess in the Tower, AFfC)

If Quentyn's road is difficult and success uncertain, how can Doran expect vengeance?

Essentially, Doran has laid out a plan where there's 99% chance Quentyn will fail, but that failure plays into Doran's hand. And a 1% Quentyn will succeed, which, I guess, would also play into his hand.

Keep in mind, Doran specifically says "Quentyn should be the one conspiring against me." (Princess in the Tower, AFfC) Why? Has Duran wronged Quentyn? Why, yes, yes he has.

I'll give you a few. Doran clearly wants total vengeance against the Lannisters, who control the IT. He also makes it very clear he won't start a confrontation with the IT because it would be a complete loss to Dorne and devastating to the country. They would lose and lose badly. He is sending Quentyn to do what Arianne no longer can. Clearly there is some hope of success there. Doran wants nothing more than Dany to land in Dorne and let him rally that kingdom to her cause. This is all pretty obvious.

I am not blind, nor deaf. I know you all believe me weak, frightened, feeble. Your father knew me better. Oberyn was ever the viper. Deadly, dangerous, unpredictable. No man dared tread on him. I was the grass. Pleasant, complaisant, sweet-smelling, swaying with every breeze. Who fears to walk upon the grass? But it is the grass that hides the viper from his enemies and shelters him until he strikes.

"If? The word is when. Dorne is the least populous of the Seven Kingdo ms. It pleased the Young Dragon to make all our armies larger when he wrote that book of his, so as to make his conquest that much more glorious, and it has pleased us to water the seed he planted and let our foes think us more powerful than we are, but a princess ought to know the truth. Valor is a poor substitute for numbers. Dorne cannot hope to win a war against the Iron Throne, not alone. And yet that may well be what you have give n us. Are you proud?”

“You mistake patience for forbearance. I have worked at the downfall of Tywin Lannister since the day they told me of Elia and her children. It was my hope to strip him of all that he held most dear before I killed him, but it would seem his dwarf son has robbed me of that pleasure. I take some small solace in knowing that he died a cruel death at the hands of the monster that he himself begot. Be that as it may. Lord Tywin is howling down in hell... where thousands more w ill so on be joining him, if your folly turns to war.” Her father grimaced, as if the very word were painful to him. “Is that what you want?”

“Her father plucked up a cyvasse piece. “I must know how you learned that Quentyn was abroad. Your brot her went with Cletus Yronwoo d, Maester Kedr y, and three of Lord Yronwoo d’s best young knights on a long and perilous voyage, with an uncertain welcome at its end. He has gone to bring us back our heart’s desire.”

She narrowed her eyes. “What is our heart’s desire?”

“Vengeance.” His voice was soft, as if he were afraid that someone might be listening. “Justice.” Prince Doran pressed the onyx dragon into her palm with his swollen, gouty fingers, and whispered, “Fire and blood.”

“That was before Prince Doran had summoned him to the Water Gardens. And now the most beautiful woman in the world was waiting in Meereen, and he meant to do his duty and claim her for his bride. She will not refuse me. She will honor the agreement. Daenerys Targaryen would need Dorne to win the Seven Kingdoms, and that meant that she would need him. It does not mean that she will love me, though. She may not even like me.”

“but the king was “wise enough to see that the good of thousands must come before the desires of two, even if those two were dear to him.”

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I'll give you a few. Doran clearly wants total vengeance against the Lannisters, who control the IT. He also makes it very clear he won't start a confrontation with the IT because it would be a complete loss to Dorne and devastating to the country. They would lose and lose badly. He is sending Quentyn to do what Arianne no longer can. Clearly there is some hope of success there. Doran wants nothing more than Dany to land in Dorne and let him rally that kingdom to her cause. This is all pretty obvious.

I don't think we're in disagreement that Doran hates the Lannisters and wants vengeance, but none of those quotes address my central concern of why Quentyn (and Viserys) got zero support from Doran. Oh, Doran talks the talk to Quentyn and Arienne. He says to Arienne that she was to be married to Viserys and tells Quentyn that he will be married to Dany, but where is the support? He doesn't walk the walk. Doran just seems like a big liar. His actions point to him wanting Quentyn to fail.

-Doran tells Arienne that she was to be married to Viserys, but a pot of gold stopped that. Did it? Viserys spent years begging and doing gods know what to stay alive. Doran didn't lift a finger to help Viserys even though Doran had connections in Essos. Why not? Because he wanted to keep everything a secret? But it wasn't a secret! Everyone already found out about his plan for Viserys.

-Doran tells Quentyn to bring back dragons, but he gives him no resources. He gives him no books on dragons. He gives him no connections in Essos. He surrounds him with Yronwoods who really want Quentyn to fail because they're probably backing Aegon. Its a miracle that Quentyn even makes it to Dany. Why no resources? Again, secrecy? If so secret, then why clumsily inform the Yronwoods and let them leave out of Planky Town? Even Quentyn thinks this is kind of stupid.

But, doing nothing is not a grand plan worthy of Doran's supposed genius. And sacrificing a son for a plan with such a low chance of success is not a grand plan of Doran's supposed genius.

No, Doran is up to something else.

Doran's story to Arienne and Quentyn is simply a lie. He claims a grand, secret plan of doing nothing. Except, it wasn't a secret!

1) He claims to her that he started "plotting" when Elia died.

2) He planned for Quentyn to take the throne of Dorne over Arienne because, supposedly, he wanted Arienne to mary Viserys.

3) So, he kept Arienne single and....waited. He did zero to help Viserys....because it was a dangerous secret.

4) Then, when Viserys died, he made a plan for marry Quentyn to Dany.

Except, it wasn't a secret! King Robert found out about Doran's plan and stopped it. John Arryn even travelled to Dorne to smooth things over:

Is it true he tried to raise Dorne for Viserys?”

“No one speaks of it, but yes. Ravens flew and riders rode, with what secret messages I never knew. Jon Arryn sailed to Sunspear to return Prince Lewyn’s bones, sat down with Prince Doran, and ended all the talk of war. But Robert never went to Dorne thereafter, and Prince Oberyn seldom left it.” (Tyrion VI, ASoS)

So, Doran lied to Arienne and Quentyn. Doran actually gave up support of Viserys before his death. Furthermore, we know that Doran gave up support for Viserys before his death because of the aborted warding of Arienne in Tyrosh.

Doran's supposed Viserys-Arienne pact was actually long abandoned and the old pact unsurprisingly doesn't impress Dany at all.

It seems to have one function: to trick Quentyn to go on a quest.

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If he wanted to get rid of Quentyn there were easier ways to do it than sending him on a long quest and risking the lives of five other people in the process.

I don't see anything in the text that credibly suggests that Doran didn't love his son or wanted him dead or out of the way or that his intent to form an alliance (with or without a marriage pact) with Dany wasn't sincere.

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I don't think we're in disagreement that Doran hates the Lannisters and wants vengeance, but none of those quotes address my central concern of why Quentyn (and Viserys) got zero support from Doran. Oh, Doran talks the talk to Quentyn and Arienne. He says to Arienne that she was to be married to Viserys and tells Quentyn that he will be married to Dany, but where is the support? He doesn't walk the walk. Doran just seems like a big liar. His actions point to him wanting Quentyn to fail.

-Doran tells Arienne that she was to be married to Viserys, but a pot of gold stopped that. Did it? Viserys spent years begging and doing gods know what to stay alive. Doran didn't lift a finger to help Viserys even though Doran had connections in Essos. Why not? Because he wanted to keep everything a secret? But it wasn't a secret! Everyone already found out about his plan for Viserys.

-Doran tells Quentyn to bring back dragons, but he gives him no resources. He gives him no books on dragons. He gives him no connections in Essos. He surrounds him with Yronwoods who really want Quentyn to fail because they're probably backing Aegon. Its a miracle that Quentyn even makes it to Dany. Why no resources? Again, secrecy? If so secret, then why clumsily inform the Yronwoods and let them leave out of Planky Town? Even Quentyn thinks this is kind of stupid.

But, doing nothing is not a grand plan worthy of Doran's supposed genius. And sacrificing a son for a plan with such a low chance of success is not a grand plan of Doran's supposed genius.

No, Doran is up to something else.

Doran's story to Arienne and Quentyn is simply a lie. He claims a grand, secret plan of doing nothing. Except, it wasn't a secret!

1) He claims to her that he started "plotting" when Elia died.

2) He planned for Quentyn to take the throne of Dorne over Arienne because, supposedly, he wanted Arienne to mary Viserys.

3) So, he kept Arienne single and....waited. He did zero to help Viserys....because it was a dangerous secret.

4) Then, when Viserys died, he made a plan for marry Quentyn to Dany.

Except, it wasn't a secret! King Robert found out about Doran's plan and stopped it. John Arryn even travelled to Dorne to smooth things over:

Is it true he tried to raise Dorne for Viserys?”

“No one speaks of it, but yes. Ravens flew and riders rode, with what secret messages I never knew. Jon Arryn sailed to Sunspear to return Prince Lewyn’s bones, sat down with Prince Doran, and ended all the talk of war. But Robert never went to Dorne thereafter, and Prince Oberyn seldom left it.” (Tyrion VI, ASoS)

So, Doran lied to Arienne and Quentyn. Doran actually gave up support of Viserys before his death. Furthermore, we know that Doran gave up support for Viserys before his death because of the aborted warding of Arienne in Tyrosh.

Doran's supposed Viserys-Arienne pact was actually long abandoned and the old pact unsurprisingly doesn't impress Dany at all.

It seems to have one function: to trick Quentyn to go on a quest.

To say you're stretching is an understatement.

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If he wanted to get rid of Quentyn there were easier ways to do it than sending him on a long quest and risking the lives of five other people in the process.

I don't see anything in the text that credibly suggests that Doran didn't love his son or wanted him dead or out of the way or that his intent to form an alliance (with or without a marriage pact) with Dany wasn't sincere.

I don't think he dislikes Quentyn. In fact, I think Doran may love his son somewhat. But not enough to not sacrifice him for "vengence."

What I'm saying is faily simple. Few would argue with the following points:

1) Doran is supposed to be a grand planner and has been planning for almost 20 years.

2) Doran did nothing to aid Viserys

3) The Viserys-Arienne marriage plan had a very low probability of success.

4) Doran did very little to aid Quentyn

5) The Quentyn mission (either a Quentyn-Dany marriage or a stolen dragon) had a very low probability of success.

How does one reconcile #1 with the other four?

A grand planner who has been scheming for almost 20 years puts all of his hopes in a couple plans that have a very low probability of success and does very little to help them succeed? That makes him to worst planner in the world.

It makes no sense.

There must be another layer to Doran's plan. What I'm saying is that Doran expected the Quentyn plan to fail. He expected his son to die. He's up to something.

My guess: pinning the Quentyn plan on the Yronwoods and forcing them into war with the Iron Throne. Meanwhile, Doran will support Aegon.

And if Quentyn is alive. It's going to spoil Duran's plan.

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Quentyn's purpose was to fulfill the prophecy for Dany. When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. He was the sun.

I like this, never really though and/or read it anywhere before

edit: I don't believe the prophesy, but like the parallilsm.

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I don't think he dislikes Quentyn. In fact, I think Doran may love his son somewhat. But not enough to not sacrifice him for "vengence."

What I'm saying is faily simple. Few would argue with the following points:

1) Doran is supposed to be a grand planner and has been planning for almost 20 years.

2) Doran did nothing to aid Viserys

3) The Viserys-Arienne marriage plan had a very low probability of success.

4) Doran did very little to aid Quentyn

5) The Quentyn mission (either a Quentyn-Dany marriage or a stolen dragon) had a very low probability of success.

How does one reconcile #1 with the other four?

A grand planner who has been scheming for almost 20 years puts all of his hopes in a couple plans that have a very low probability of success and does very little to help them succeed? That makes him to worst planner in the world.

It makes no sense.

There must be another layer to Doran's plan. What I'm saying is that Doran expected the Quentyn plan to fail. He expected his son to die. He's up to something.

My guess: pinning the Quentyn plan on the Yronwoods and forcing them into war with the Iron Throne. Meanwhile, Doran will support Aegon.

And if Quentyn is alive. It's going to spoil Duran's plan.

1. His plan involved Viserys and Arianne and Viserys died. The plan that took 20 years to scheme is over. Also, the other plotter died.

2. He couldn't. Oberyn travelling to Essos for a marriage agreement wasn't suspicious because he had served there. But suddenly, sending Martell people to Essos, could have been. If anything, everything about Doran's plan was based on secrecy and they couldn't risk anyone to know they were plotting against the crown with the Targaryen kids.

To me, as soon as they got news of Viserys's death, both Doran and Oberyn started to make a second plan out of scratch. Whatsoever, they were running out of time and the Lannisters were not only now related to the King: they were ruling the Seven Kingdoms (Cersei as regent and Tywin as Hand). Any scheme would have been even more dangerous to them if they found out. The fact that Tyrion sent Myrcella to them and offered a seat in the council could have been seen as the evidence of the Lannisters not trusting them (for obvious reason), something like "we're watching you and we're one step ahead of you". The only card left they got was Dany, but Dany wasn't as easily available as Viserys had been once.

Cautious people like Doran often find difficult to trust others and for what I see, Doran only trusted his brother. Also Arianne, but he knew she was still too yong and inmature to be involved in a secret so important. So, he only had two people now to help him in this plan. Oberyn, who was sent to KL, where the bigger players of the game are, and Quentyn, to bring Dany to Dorne. Any other than Quentyn had been dangerous considering Varys had eyes and ears everywhere. And the boy needed to have a low profile while being there.

If you consider what Doran probably knew and found out about Dany in less than two years, it makes sense: girl was left without her brother, probably wandering around with three newborn dragons and needed help and support. There is no way Doran could have foreseen Dany would steal 8000 Unsullied, conquer three cities and have a marriage. Quentyn's mission was actually more a rescue mission than anything else, but Dany had already made herself a proud Queen and Conqueror. I don't see odd that she turned down Quentyn as he was simply there saying "we can help you". Dany had already helped herself quite well.

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Quentyn POV was totally useless. His purpose to free the dragons could easily be accomplished by any other, a slave, an harpy, a traitor, in just 20 pages. Same for his sightseeing tours.

Why waste the Dorne heir in such a stupid mission is a mystery to me.

Really... It'd have almost more sense if he resurrectes! :D

He ain't the Dorne heir. Arianne is.

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1. His plan involved Viserys and Arianne and Viserys died. The plan that took 20 years to scheme is over. Also, the other plotter died.

2. He couldn't. Oberyn travelling to Essos for a marriage agreement wasn't suspicious because he had served there. But suddenly, sending Martell people to Essos, could have been. If anything, everything about Doran's plan was based on secrecy and they couldn't risk anyone to know they were plotting against the crown with the Targaryen kids.

To me, as soon as they got news of Viserys's death, both Doran and Oberyn started to make a second plan out of scratch. Whatsoever, they were running out of time and the Lannisters were not only now related to the King: they were ruling the Seven Kingdoms (Cersei as regent and Tywin as Hand). Any scheme would have been even more dangerous to them if they found out. The fact that Tyrion sent Myrcella to them and offered a seat in the council could have been seen as the evidence of the Lannisters not trusting them (for obvious reason), something like "we're watching you and we're one step ahead of you". The only card left they got was Dany, but Dany wasn't as easily available as Viserys had been once.

Cautious people like Doran often find difficult to trust others and for what I see, Doran only trusted his brother. Also Arianne, but he knew she was still too yong and inmature to be involved in a secret so important. So, he only had two people now to help him in this plan. Oberyn, who was sent to KL, where the bigger players of the game are, and Quentyn, to bring Dany to Dorne. Any other than Quentyn had been dangerous considering Varys had eyes and ears everywhere. And the boy needed to have a low profile while being there.

If you consider what Doran probably knew and found out about Dany in less than two years, it makes sense: girl was left without her brother, probably wandering around with three newborn dragons and needed help and support. There is no way Doran could have foreseen Dany would steal 8000 Unsullied, conquer three cities and have a marriage. Quentyn's mission was actually more a rescue mission than anything else, but Dany had already made herself a proud Queen and Conqueror. I don't see odd that she turned down Quentyn as he was simply there saying "we can help you". Dany had already helped herself quite well.

I think we're in agreement that Doran is a grand planner and doesn't trust anyone except for Oberyn. But, if the metaphor for Doran's mind is chess (or cyvasse), we know that he and Oberyn must be thinking several steps ahead. That's why I don't think they made any plans out of scratch. They are long term planners who have already thought through the possibility of Viserys' death.

Essentially, the Viserys-Arienne marriage pact could not have been the whole secret "grand plan." It's far too simple and there are too many weird, fishy things about it:

1) It was no secret that Doran tried to raise Dorne for Viserys previously.

2) Doran did nothing to help Viserys. Doran had to keep it a secret? Not a good excuse: see #1 Plus, Aegon was a secret. Why couldn't Viserys be?

3) It was made by an illegitimate party (Willem Darry). Only lords can make marriage pacts. "Your father is a castellan, not a lord. And a castellan has no right to make marriage pacts" (Jon X ADwD)

4) It seems to have been abandoned before Viserys' death (Arienne's aborted warding in Tyrosh)

5) It had a very low probability of success.

And regarding #5, if it was a probability that the pact wouldn't work out, what was the contigency plan? Dany and Quentyn? It couldn't have been because Dany was already married to Khal Drogo before Viserys died.

So, what is Doran and Oberyn's real plan? And when I say "real," I mean the probable outcome plan. Even the Quentyn mission had a low probability of success, which means the real plan (the probable outcome plan) is still in place.

What is this real plan?

It currently look like marry Arienne to Aegon. Was that always Doran's real plan? Is that why Arienne was kept single? Aegon had support growing up. Aegon was given an army. Aegon was basically the Viserys "conspiracy" done right.

And I agree, Dany's unsullied and dragons are a real X factor in whatever Doran's plan is. No one could have ever predicted them.

But it's not even Dany's dragons that are the biggest thorn to Doran's plan. Aegon wants to marry Dany. If Aegon marries Dany, Dorne is SOL.

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I can't really see it being a decoy because, when dealing with a POV character, it is very hard to corneal a lie such as that. He was constantly talking about himself as a prince, even before seeing Daenerys, and he was described physically.

Quentyn is dead, the only way I can see him being alive is if the Quentyn Dany met was a decoy as in one of his companions. I read that in another post and it was well thought out.

Quentyn's plot line to me, served as a vehicle to flesh out the political climate in other parts of Essos. Tyrion's travels seemed to do that as well post capture by Mormont.

I also agree that he set the stage for problems with the Martell's. He also unleashed the Dragon's which was no small act.

If he is alive and Arianne ends up in Aegon's camp I can see that driving a wedge between house Martell. Dany and Quentyn versus Arianne and Aegon seems unlikely over all because Dany will probably never Marry him but Tyrion may urge a "lengthy proposal" to gain Dornish support. I'm slipping through the crack in the pot right about now so that my temporary guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Soon comes the pale mare, and after her the others. Kraken and dark flame, lion and griffin, the sun's son and the mummer's dragon. Trust none of them. Remember the Undying. Beware the perfumed seneschal.

Pale Mare=Sickness that hit Astapor and came to Meereen

Kraken and Dark Flame= Victarion and Moqorro (In Meereen ready to try to steal dragons)

Lion and Griffin=Tyrion and Jon Connington (Not sure what they'll do yet)

Sun's son= Quentyn (tried to steal a dragon)

Mummer's Dragon= Aegon "Blackfyre" (likely she'll discover he isn't a Targ but he'll refuse to let her sit the throne)

Undying= The Sorcerers aren't quite gone yet

Perfumed Seneschal= Hizdar Zo Loraq (I personally believe him to be the Harpy. Or at least in league with the Harpy

I believe Quentyn's part of the story is done. He was one of the Dornish options to seize the Iron Throne.




Of course, if Aegon and Dany end up together... Dorne is out of the picture.

Just my thoughts regarding the story as a whole (nothing outlandish)

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