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How would you make the North rich and/or powerful?

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Question is self explanatory, you can choose how long it would take, to borrow, to steal, to build and who to marry and you can choose any time in history as well. But try to make as realistically as possible, I know that's saying something for a fantasy country in a fantasy series, but arguments about westerosi agriculture taught me that you guys are capable of it.

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I always wondered why the North does not have any fleet of ships. They have the largest forest extension of westeros so they no lack wood. I would build a fleet of ships to plunder and sack the commertial ships of the free cities Iron Islands style.

I'd go to illyrio mopatis's house and I'd steal everything.

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Invest in building another city on the other side of the north that could trade easily with the Westerlands and the Reach. It would require a fleet to defend it from the ironborn but I think that's something the north should invest in anyway.

Might could stop the Greyjoy raids by a marriage pact.

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Invest in building another city on the other side of the north that could trade easily with the Westerlands and the Reach. It would require a fleet to defend it from the ironborn but I think that's something the north should invest in anyway.

That's what i'm looking for, never disappoint bittersteel, anymore bright idea's?

I always wondered why the North does not have any fleet of ships. They have the largest forest extension of westeros so they no lack wood. I would build a fleet of ships to plunder and sack the commertial ships of the free cities Iron Islands style.

I'd go to illyrio mopatis's house and I'd steal everything.

Because some guy burned it cause daddy ran away into the sunset sea.

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Add more ports at the eastern side. Open trade with free cities with lower tariff for imports/exports. Charge heavily at the neck a-la lord of the crossing. Explore mining opportunities and tourism. Open the wall for visa business/tourist applications for wildlings.

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Entice a son of the Blackwoods and other Old God following houses in the South, North and have them bring settlers with them, giving them land in the gift

Raise up one of the masterly houses such as Tallhart and begin the building of a city on the west coast

Through resources into a fleet

Contact Braavos and offer them the trees of the North

Increase inns, brothels, etc etc on the route the Kingsroad takes

Repair Moat Cailin and make it a seat again

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