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If you could drop someone from a different franchise in...

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This is getting close to fanfiction territory, but I'll bite.

The Hulk vs. Ungregor

The Hulk would decimate Robert Strong AKA Ungregor, it's been stated in the comics that the Hulk's strengh is infinite and that normal metal can't even cut him so it would be a pretty quick fight. I think a cooler Marvel/ASoIaF would be Ghost Rider Vs The Others now that would be a song of ice and fire.

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If you could drop someone from a different franchise into ASoIaF who would it be? my answer Darth Vader, why? because he would probably throttle Joffrey, Walder Frey, and Tywin Lannister the first time he met them. :smug:

Adding Darth Vader would also add an interesting spin to the discussion on Jon's parentage.

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