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The quest for Daniel Abraham's "particular line of dialog"

Roddy Darwin

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After reading this thread for the first time, I am convinced it has to be one of the two major conversations between Jon and Tyrion- the initial meeting, and the discussion of dragons on the way to the wall. The most logical reason to insist on the lines inclusion would be that it is specifically referenced later- a "You once told me" situation.

1) If its that important to GRRM, it should also be memorable to the reader 7 books later.

2) Given that, it would involve at least one major character.

5) Considering that plot lines will collide as the series draws to a close, and since we're talking about a line of "dialogue", it seems probable that it will involve at least two major characters.

3, sir!) Taking into account Jon's established central relationship to the plot, GRRM's personal favoritism for Tyrion, and the connection that Abraham knows Tyrion's ending, it's not much of a leap to see the scene unfold.

Jon and Tyrion on the wall, in the aftermath of the War for the Dawn. One calls back to the other "You once told me..." etc, etc. My personal favorite candidates would be (in no order)

- Riding dragons as a dwarf

- "Never forget what you are"

- Bastard talk

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