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Details most wanted in a World of Ice and Fire

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Wow, Artos Stark must've had a major Oedipus complex, marrying a woman of the same name and family as his mom.

that might be true but remember there are 2 branches of the family royce, so it might not be the from the "same" family

also with complete family trees going to be in it im really hoping for that third son of aegon v to be revealed then.

at least a name because a name alone isnt going to spoil much imo. its what he did.

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Or maybe he married his mom? ;)

Also, god damn, does house Stark love their Benjens and Brandons or what? hahaha

I want to learn so much about the far east, and also Ibben and JUST EVERYTHING. AHHH

A detailed history of every war or skirmish in Westeros or west of the Great Essosi mountain range would also be killer.

Also, the Summer Islands need some details to flesh them out!

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Or maybe he married his mom? ;)

Also, god damn, does house Stark love their Benjens and Brandons or what? hahaha

I want to learn so much about the far east, and also Ibben and JUST EVERYTHING. AHHH

A detailed history of every war or skirmish in Westeros or west of the Great Essosi mountain range would also be killer.

Also, the Summer Islands need some details to flesh them out!

There is a good deal of information in the app.

Isle of Women's original name was Abulu and it's named after Princess Nymeria of Ny Sar and her refugees. It seems like they didn't just set foot on Dorne, they travelled a little bit.

Stone Head is named after a cliff where there is a carved face. (Mount Rushmore-y?)

Koj was the hometown of a famous Summer Islander who was a shipwright.

Isle of Love has famous love temples.

Isle of Birds is named after birds that are known for their feathers.

Lotus Port was once a big city but it get smaller through time.

Singing Stones are named after rocks that make sounds when the wind hits.

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I'm gonna go full-bias here and say I really want stuff about Dorne. More stuff on its landscape, its warfare, Nymeria's initial arrival and her and the Rhoynar's interaction with the First Men and Andals already in Dorne, their resistance again the Dragonlords, their conflicts with the Reach and the Stormlands, the troubles between the Yronwoods and Martells, etc etc. Anything on the other houses of Dorne would be awesome.

Also do they only have one type of vinegar?

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Yi Ti

everything east of the big Essosi mountain range

Exactly, though I doubt we'll get Ulthos- it's just too far away. I'n hoping for Ibben and the Summer Islands instead.

Though some Westerosi information wouldn't be bad. I'd like some more specific information on famous battles (troop types, troop numbers, manoeuvres). Also NW stuff (e.g. Lord Commander Qorgoyle's first name, the name of the LC before him, manpower at different points in time, order of abandonment of castles). Just little stuff, no major revelations necessarily.

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There are things that I doubt we'll get a great deal of insight into, since it's from the pen of a Maester, based on that limiting factor:

  • More information on the Daynes.
  • More information on the unknown fauna and flora of the world, particularly in Essos, Sothoryos and beyond the Wall, plus the cultures of these areas in general, particularly Sothoryos and the Summer Isles.
  • More information on Dragons.
  • More information on Giants.
  • Insight into skinchanging and its origins.
  • More information about the bearded men.
  • Military strength of Essosi cities.

That's all I can think of.

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There are things that I doubt we'll get a great deal of insight into, since it's from the pen of a Maester, based on that limiting factor:

  • More information on the Daynes.

More information on the unknown fauna and flora of the world, particularly in Essos, Sothoryos and beyond the Wall, plus the cultures of these areas in general, particularly Sothoryos and the Summer Isles.

More information on Dragons.

More information on Giants.

Insight into skinchanging and its origins.

More information about the bearded men.

Military strength of Essosi cities.

That's all I can think of.

Bearded men are men who have let facial hair grow on the chin, upper lip, cheeks and neck. Perhaps you're referring to the Bearded Priests of Norvos

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I want to know more about the planet, like all the continents, including ulthos and sothoryos (forgot how to spell it) and their inhabitants.

I especially want to learn more about the fantasy parts of the books. Like The Others, COTF, weirwoods, religions, long night, Valyria + doom, decline of magic, dragons and all the other fantasy elements.

And the iron born.

I was about to make a post about how I wanted to know more about the fantasy in the world of Ice and Fire but you already said it for me. I wouldn't mind learning more about the Giants, The Night's King, and anything else north of the wall.

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  1. List of all of Jaehaerys I's children with Alysanne
  2. A list of all the dragons and their riders from 100 years before the Doom
  3. What was the name of the last dragon that died during the reign of Aegon III
  4. Full family tree of House Blackfyre until it's extinction in the male line.
  5. The name of Daeron I's wife
  6. The name of Viserys II's wife
  7. Maekar's wife
  8. Whom did Egg marry for love?
  9. Was King Jaehaerys II's wife a Blackfyre?


  1. Did a Stark ever marry a Targaryen
  2. How did each of the Stark lords die in rapid succession. What caused the She-Wolves of Winterfell?
  3. Were their any female rulers of Winterfell?
  4. Full family tree
  5. Bran the Builder
  6. Relationship that the Starks had with their bannermen.
  7. Torrhen the Kneeler
  8. Brandon the Daughterless


  1. Full family tree
  2. Did the Baratheons inherit their characters from the Durrendens?
  3. Are there any Baratheon dragonriders?
  4. Baratheon ancestral weapon?
  5. Lyonel the Laughing Storm
  6. Steffon Baratheon

The Summer Islands


Vulture's Roost

The Vale

Reign of Aerys I and Maekar I

Why Bloodraven was imprisoned?

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