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July 2014 reads


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Re Monette and the portrayal of male homosexuality in dubious ways: A Companion to Wolves is certainly the jewel in this unfortunate crown; nothing else I have read in either author's body of work comes close. I think the accusation could definitely be leveled against the dark fantasy series Monette wrote individually, The Doctrine of Labyrinths, but not in any reasonable way against The Goblin Emperor.

I've only read the Wolves one so I can't really comment on her other work but sometimes one book just icks you out so much you never want to try an author again, ever.

I dunno, I've heard similar things about a lot of Monette's solo work. Granted, I haven't read them myself, but it doesn't exactly make me want to.

Ahahaha yeah, I heard the same thing. I do kinda feel sorry for her since her old publisher dropped her and her new one made her write under a different name.

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