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What happens next with Theon?

Ser Jonny Loker

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What I would like to happen next with Theon is an honourable execution in Stannis's camp.

As to what is likely to happen next with Theon - my preference seems a plausible next step for him, but had I read the books before watching the series, I never would have guessed him to last as long as he has, so who knows?

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I don't think Theon's going to die (he better not!!) his entire arc has been about his identity crisis and it seems like he's close to having that fixed now. I think it would make sense that his arc in the 6th book is about ending that identity crisis and then he gets to play a part in the final book with having learned what he has throughout the story.

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This is from chapter 50 CoK:

"Outside he heard sobbing as the castle folk were pulled from their beds and driven into the yard. I'll give them reason to sob. I've used them gently, and this is how they repay me. He'd even had two of his own men whipped bloody for raping that kennel girl, to show them he meant to be just. They still blame me for the rape, though. And the rest. He deemed that unfair. Mikken had killed himself with his mouth, just as Benfred had. As for Chayle, he had to give someone to the Drowned God, his men expected it. "I bear you no ill will," he'd told the septon before they threw him down the well, "but you and your gods have no place here now." You'd think the others might be grateful he hadn't chosen one of them, but no. He wondered how many of them were part of this plot against him. "

That's 3 dead staff before Ramsay and his men show up. Stop making excuses for him, Theon lovers! I'm tired, I read all of Theon's chapters in CoK and I see nothing where Ramsay suggests to Theon to kill anyone. Ramsay was already gone when Theon threatened to hang the castelan's daughter.

1. Mikken was not killed by Theon. He was killed by Stygg.

2. Killing Chayle was an act of war. Otherwise the IB would have ditched Theon.

3. Theon never hanged Beth.

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The scene is Winterfell, everybody's up to something. Manderlys plotting against Freys. Freys against Manderlys. Roose and Ramsey are busy planning. The spearwives are looking for a way into the catacombs. Mance is killing people to keep attention off their movements and trying to sew discord in the Bolton camp.

How are you so sure it's Mance?

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my personal expectations are that either

A) he will be executed before a heart tree and we will witness an unexpected demonstration of the effects of a blood sacrifice to "the old gods"

or B ) again before a heart tree he will confess the truth of what happened during his occupation of Winterfell. specifically how he was compelled to murder the farm boys and pass them off as Bran and Rickon, and be forgiven/pardoned/whatever you'd like to call it because he didn't actually kill the precious Stark kiddies

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