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Why are the Unsullied so specialized? Where do their puppies come from?

Game Of Thrones

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The Ghiscari Empire fell over 5000 years ago, according to one of Dany's chapters.

There's still an unknown timespan between the end of the last Ghiscari war and Nymeria's flight.

And we all know how reliable such dates are. According to several different chapters the Andal Invasion was 6,000, 4,000 or 2,000 years ago. And that's sourced a lot better than Old Ghis.

Yeah, it's all very frustrating to pin down. :bang:

(I really have to read the last two books again!)


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And we all know how reliable such dates are. According to several different chapters the Andal Invasion was 6,000, 4,000 or 2,000 years ago. And that's sourced a lot better than Old Ghis.

Valyria was the most advanced society in the world. I assume they left a lot of history books behind in Volantis and the other Free Cities.

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Can't figure out why so many people think selling Unsullied wouldn't be profitable.

Just found the price of a newborn slave in the books. According to Kraznys mo Naklaz-

"to win his spiked cap, an Unsullied must go to the slave marts with a silver mark, find some wailing newborn, and kill it before its mother's eyes". - A Storm of Swords p.318.

So for the 8000 unsullied the WM currently have they only spent 8000 silver marks on babies in addition to the price of feeding, training, and equipping the unsullied. Just to get 1000 unsullied Daenerys would've had to give the WM 3 shiploads of expensive trade goods. Seems to me the WM are making a killing. (pun intended)

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