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How did you feel the first time you read the Red Wedding chapter?


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Well,I first watched it on the show...It was 6 in the morning and I had just come home from a night out with friends.

I couldn't sleep so I watched GoT.Thank god I was drunk because if I was sober I would be furious,I might have broken something.

I just cried until the sun came up :crying: :crying:

When I read it I knew it was coming but I still cried...

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I hated Catelyn. She was selfish, shallow, doesnt love her kid equally, hexed her family..... I thought Robb was stupid to go to the home of a noble he very recently disrespected. I honestly thought they were going to run into trouble but didn't expect the mass murder. I was honestly, just impressed that GRRM could shock me still.

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Underwhelmed. I had been thoroughly spoiled for it and knew it was coming, so that probably ruined it for me, but I was still anticipating a more powerful scene. Not that it was badly written at all, guess my expectations were too high.

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From a literary point of view, it is the best written chapter in the series, in my opinion. It's structure is absolutely incredible. The way tension increases throughout the entire thing, culminating in a massacre, it gives me chills just thinking about it.

I was heartbroken the first time I read it - I still kinda am, but I have accepted it. And although my dear Catelyn dies a cruel (albeit temporary) death, this is still my favourite chapter in this entire book series.

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I got it spoiled for me (by my own accord! I wouldn't invest in that kind of page commitment without making sure that the story didn't get really stupid 10000 pages in) so I was sad but not yelling or throwing the book. Reading Robb's death from Cat's POV was the worst part about it- losing/outliving all of your children is pretty much the worst thing imaginable.

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Horrified, then very, very impressed by the writing. GRRM sets it up beautifully, and it feels archaic, inevitable, disturbing, the works. I find myself wanting to skip it on rereads, but you have to read it. I skipped it when I was watching the show. It's very upsetting.

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Watched the show first.

So basically I was an emotional wreck of tears and constant swearing throughout the event. Then the final blow was dealt, I became silent and just sat there devastated, staring at the credits as that damn song played.

This is why I love the death of Frey's more than anything in the world.

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