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Brienne [Spoilers] Show - Episode 10 [Spoilers + ADWD BOOK]

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I remember reading a theory a long time ago about how Brienne of Tarth is Azor Ahai and how Oathkeeper will become Lighbringer.

The theory went along these lines:

The only weapon that both matches the prophecy 1 to 1 so far and has the potential to fully fulfill the prophecy is the sword Oathkeeper.

1 - Forged in water as Eddard's greatsword Ice.

2 - Reforged in a lion's breast as the Lannister sword Oathkeeper.

3 - This is the part that is speculation, but I am very confident in it, Brienne will be forced to drive Oathkeeper into Catelyn Tully's (the wife of the swords' original owner) heart and thus shatter both her own oaths and her swords' name. When she pulls the sword out it will inherit the flame passed down from R'hllor to Beric and from Beric to Catelyn, and burst into flames as the sword Lightbringer

Water, Lion, Wife - if Brienne kills Catelyn then the prophecy is matched word for word.

That's the quote from Reddit...

I want to see if this theory sticks today in the show. Obviously she can't kill Cat (Wife) but she can still shatter an Oath she makes to Sansa?

The only scenario that is remotely possible:

She will stab Melisandre in front of Stannis with Oathkeeper, when she pulls the sword out it'll be in flames (Lighbringer). And she'll kill Stannis with Lighbringer. (Poetic Justice).

This is all crack-pot, but just something to think about and debate for the coming week until the episode airs.

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Melisandre isn't going to die anytime soon. Remember the quote in season 3:

"We will meet again someday" to Arya Stark.

Melisandre will obviously likely eventually die but sounds like we'll have to wait until Season 7.

Forgot about that. I know the 'I saw myself walking along the walls of WInterfell' line indicated she would survive for awhile longer. I had hoped she would quickly die after walking those walls, meaning early in S6 I assume, but since Arya is nowhere near Westeros, it looks like Mel will be on the prowl for more burn victims for quite a while. :frown5:

Maybe Jon Snow banishes her from the North and Arya meets her either in Essos or somewhere in the south. That way she can still die in S6. One can only hope....

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God I hate Brienne. She cant be AA. She acts as if she is the embodiment of honor, yet she supported Renly, who had the most dishonorable claim to the throne..at least Joffery believed he was his fathers son and rightful heir, making his claim sincere, even though false. Renly was an arrogant jackass who knew he was usurping the throne, betraying the laws of Westeros AND his family. "There are deeper, older laws. The younger brother bows before the elder." I hope Stannis hangs her at Winterfell..but D&D obviously love Brienne, so I guess we are at the mercy of GRRM and how their stories wrap up in the books.

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As much as I would like her to become more relevant, it is not going to happen.....but if she bites the dust today Her season would have been stupid. She has to do more things, at least, in the books

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Apologies if this has been said, but what do we think of the odds of this scenario playing out:

Brienne plays a big role in saving Sansa, Sansa starts to think she can trust her after all.

Brienne swears her oath to Sansa again, Sansa says prove it: go kill Jamie Lannister.

Brienne is right back where she was in the books after her "sword" moment, more or less.

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