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Your Plans for TWOW


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I will order it from eBay, hard copy of course, I like having the physical book in my hand when I read it :)

I don't like that I'm going to do this, but I will be reading it almost non-stop, and will probably finish it within a week. I say I don't like this because I've waited so long the book to release only to have finished it so quickly :P

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I'll get it as soon as I can. It will probably take me a week or two to read it. I'll skim through the chapters briefly first to see if I can see a Jon chapter in the first 100 pages, if so I'll read it right away. If not, I won't ruin the rest of the chapters, I'll just start from the beginning.

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I will flip through it at the book store until I find the first Wall chapter, then keep flipping until I find a Jon chapter. If Jon is really dead, I may not buy it or finish the series.

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I will probably pre-order a hardback copy or buy one in a bookstore as soon as it's possible. I plan on re-reading the series soon, so I hope that when I finish ADwD, TWoW will be already in my possession. My reading pace is quite slow, so it shouldn't be such a problem. I also plan on avoiding everything ASoIaF and GoT-related during the re-read and while reading TWoW.

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I will most likely pre-order the book through Amazon the second the date is announced. Then I'll go back and reread the last three books to refresh my memory on some characters. I'll probably finish the book in 2-3 days and then go back for a slower re-read to absorb everything that happened. Then and only then will I venture and see what people on the forums and reddit thought of the book.

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I'm going to pick up the hardcover and the audiobook the day of release - I'm too old for a midnight release party, unless it's on a Friday night into Saturday, or Saturday night into Sunday. Not sure how long it will take me to get through the book, but I'm guessing a few weeks. I doubt I'll be able to avoid at least some spoilers.

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I will most likely pre-order the book through Amazon the second the date is announced. Then I'll go back and reread the last three books to refresh my memory on some characters. I'll probably finish the book in 2-3 days and then go back for a slower re-read to absorb everything that happened. Then and only then will I venture and see what people on the forums and reddit thought of the book.

I will definitely re-read the first five books once a release date is firm. Or, more likely, listen to the audiobooks.

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I like reading the ebooks because I can highlight and make notes. I did a reread last winter and made a point to highlight/note everything that caught my eye.

My plan will probably be a midnight release, make sure I'm off work the next day. Read until about 4am, sleep, then read all the next day. Once I get about halfway done, I'll spread the rest of it out over the next few days.

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No midnight/camp out stuff for me, I'll buy it the next day.  I prefer the paper copy, plus then I can easily loan it to my mom once I am done.  Then I'm going against my usual reading pattern and looking for any POV chapters at the wall, as I want to find out Jon's fate.  After that, while I can be a fast reader, I prefer to savor a large book like this, and I don't always have a lot of spare time, so I'll read about one chapter a day.  I may reread some of Dance and Feast before hand, but won't do a full reread.

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