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Duck is Aegon, YG is the mummer's dragon

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On 2/24/2016 at 0:09 PM, Justin Amey said:

Reasonable Fake; This is what i have a problem with. I know y'all to fire back with "there are plenty of people in essos with targ genes, and feature that Illyrio and Varys can choose from to be Aegon's replacement, but if you really look at all of them that are presented so far is there really?

I mean a lot of them have blue eyes, YG has purple. Some have white hair no no purple eyes, some have purple eyes, but no white hair. Whenever you see anyone with any Targ feature whatsoever they always seem to be missing something, except for YG.

Where is Illyrio going to find someone like that? I Really doubt Vary and Illyrio is that good, and I highly doubt that a Blackfyre or a Brightflame or any other Targ family in Essos could produce a child that to what Rhaegar's child should look like.


??? Its a known fact that a lot of people in Essos, especially in Lys, look like Valyrians with blue/purplish eyes and white hair. So far, I believe, we haven't gotten a full description of any Lyseni who resembled Valyrians other than Saladhor Saan but I don't think we ever got a description of his eyes other than white hair.

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