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Did Lyanna Stark have twins?

Fiery Heart

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This New 'Game Of Thrones' Theory On Jon Snow Changes Everything



"Game of Thrones" fans, we thought we had George R.R. Martin figured out, but now it turns out we know even less than Jon Snow.


The theory about Jon Snow's parentage is the most popular one out there. At this point, everyone pretty much accepts and expects R+L=J to happen, meaning Snow's parents are actually Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. The show even hinted at it in Season 5.


But now, thanks to one new theory, everything we thought we knew is about to change...







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It is a good theory and all the evidence to back up the theory seems to fit. They are the same age, they both look alike and the fact they have both been raised by the only two survivors from the ToJ makes it especially convincing.

But all of that may just be coincidence.

One thing that has puzzled me is, what do Meera and Hodor do now? Especially Meera. She has fulfilled her mission and got Bran safely to the three eyed raven. Is she supposed to stay there with him forever? I don't see that happening. Surely at some point she has to leave Bran and return to Westeros.
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Other than it being a plot twist involving twins, personally I do not see a Star Wars similarity since Meera and Jon have never met. Evidence does seems to point to this theory potentially being true, and could explain why Meera is still alive on the show. Hodor I can understand having a role to play for Bran, being an important part of his getting around & interacting with the world, but Meera they could easily have killed off along with Jojen, so why keep her on? Maybe she does have a more important role in the story than we realise? Could the 'three heads of the dragon' be Dany, Jon and Meera?

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I don't believe in this theory. But why do you think they're not the same age on the show? We don't know Meera's age.


She seems to be about the same age as Sansa, maybe just a little older. If Jon Snow had a twin then surely they would cast an actress about the same age as Jon, Robb and Dany. Maybe I'm being unfair and she just has a more youthful appearance, but she doesn't come across as the same age as Jon (or even Dany) on the show.


Also, the evidence against this theory is stronger than the evidence for it 1) Meera has green eyes in the books and looks like a Reed (how could a Stark and a Targaryen make this?) and 2) Why would Ned take Jon home and not Meera? Surely, he would want to keep them both close and not favour one over the other, ESPECIALLY when he can get away with claiming Meera as his Bastard daughter and Jon's twin as she does not have a Targaryen look that endangers her 3) This is too much like Star Wars and 4) Not once does Ned think of Meera in his POV, the thought of Jon fills him with shame but he never thinks of anyone else or Howland having 'something' important.


R+L=J is spicy enough, it doesn't need more twists because it is 'too obvious' and has grown boring. :rolleyes:

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For the last time... no, this is the third thread about Jon Snow twin, no meera isn't his twin, she is a crannogwoman, green eyes and all, no Dany is not his twin, she was born at dragonstorm during a storm, hence the 'Daenerys Stormborn', no it isn't Aegon, Ned would never hand Lyanna's baby to Varys or Ilirio... Please give this theory mercy, let her die

Meera isn't his twin, her eyes are neither Purple (Targ) nor grey ( Stark) her eyes are Green (Reed)
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