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The Riverlands Web V.7


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For Lost Melnibonean.  Quick post with a nod for BR being in Braavos, this is after Bran's last chapter, so maybe any power is enhanced with the prodigy on board?  And this is Arya's first chapter after the end of Bran III, so maybe he is also present ?  From 'The Blind Girl'...........
She could tell that the 'fog' was thick from the clammy way her clothes clung to her and the damp feeling of the air on her bare hands.  The 'mists' of Braavos did queer things to sounds as well, she had found.  Half the city will be half blind tonight.
Mist/fog, half blind, screams BR to me?  Is Bran there, watching, learning?  Also there's other stuff in Braavos with BR imagery, but more research needed.  One bridge in particular.........A painted bridge with a thousand painted eyes. 

The spoiler chapter is also interesting, I have an eye on this moving forward, probably plenty more!  :)

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In regards to the Riverlands, do you think that the crows that Jaime encounters in AFFC are part of BR’s sightings too? And what about the crows that make Jon Lord Commander?

The raven that flew out of the pot during the Lord Commander voting was Mormont's raven, [shouting Snow, Snow IIRC] so yes definitely there.  In the RL's it depends on the text, as we've seen with that 'crow flitting from tree to tree' quote.  The text leans itself to it being BR, as do one eyed animals/half blind things, mist, weirwood thrones etc.......

I like the elements option.  And not every creature is BR, but close inspection of the text needed.  He does have a thousand eyes and one after all.  ;)

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Wizz, That bridge caught my attention the last time I read it too. With Lanna and Daenerys's roots in Braavos, as well as a brewing conflict between the followers of the red god and him of many faces, I think something big is gonna happen there. 

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Wizz, That bridge caught my attention the last time I read it too. With Lanna and Daenerys's roots in Braavos, as well as a brewing conflict between the followers of the red god and him of many faces, I think something big is gonna happen there. 

Hey Lost Melnibonean!  The bridge and all that mist in Braavos is very interesting, [plus her dreams, and she sits a weirwood chair with an ebon face in the ugly little girl.  There's also the ebon chair with the weirwood face she could've chosen.] as mentioned before a closer look needed at text when time permits.  I must admit I haven't looked into your other points as much, but any conflict of religion will be interesting reading for sure.  Sooo much to research!  :P

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Wizz, the Kindly Man equates the Black Goat with Him of Many Faces and the followers of the Red God rioted and tried to burn the Black Goat in Qohor. The tqo faiths seem diametrically opposed, no? And with Moqorro on his way to advise Daenerys...

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Happy New Year! Totally unable to post. I read the last few pages and caught up. Wonderful posts!

And thanks so much to Longie for your articles and the many Wizz catches and points that were made.

Just a few things:

-I needed that. The breadth and scope of this series is so vast, and well, big…but I think it looks very likely that in the RW crows, BR, weir woods, and everything hinting to the Starks being watched and the build up for Bran utilizing his powers to possibly reach out to his siblings is highly likely. Among other great things to come. I need that pointed out to me to get a sense of it. That is not something I noticed on my own in re-reads still, when I was too interested or focused on other things. Really, people. I'm more intuitive with characters. I enjoy it and it comes easier for me to notice such things. You helped me to see it easier and to get a sense of the amount of times these connections are brought up which are notable.


-The Hound yet again reflects my sentiments in a sort of insulting way. He has no filter and just doesn't give a crap, which is why we love him. So he tells them ever so bluntly, that they seem a bunch of swineherds. Exactly. He's not impressed. Neither was I. I was thinking when we first met them…and what the hell is this bunch of ragtag losers going to do? Thoros and his drinking/partying like a King RobStar, Anguy with women and blowing money, Tom and his love for the ladies. A half dead guy with a very long engagement that looks like a walking Swiss cheese... And it took a lot of time but there is much more to the BWB. This is a vast network. Men and women, old and young, low or high birth. With various safe places and methods of communication and intelligence. And we realized it way before some unfortunate people like maybe Cersei, LF, or others will. Lord Frey is feeling the pinch now. Well, a bunch of his relatives have.



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Happy New Year! Totally unable to post. I read the last few pages and caught up. Wonderful posts!

And thanks so much to Longie for your articles and the many Wizz catches and points that were made.

Just a few things:

-I needed that. The breadth and scope of this series is so vast, and well, big…but I think it looks very likely that in the RW crows, BR, weir woods, and everything hinting to the Starks being watched and the build up for Bran utilizing his powers to possibly reach out to his siblings is highly likely. Among other great things to come. I need that pointed out to me to get a sense of it. That is not something I noticed on my own in re-reads still, when I was too interested or focused on other things. Really, people. I'm more intuitive with characters. I enjoy it and it comes easier for me to notice such things. You helped me to see it easier and to get a sense of the amount of times these connections are brought up which are notable.

Hey bookie!  Happy new year to you as well.!   :cheers:

The breadth and scope of this series continues to amaze me as well, the more I dig, the more I find to research!  The text is littered with subtle clues, it's great.  And the Stark's being watched is something I firmly believe in, from the beginning of AGOT in fact, for a start the direwolves seem to be a connection and their wolf dreams [where applicable]  But all the cool, subtle hints are there to back this up if you go searching.  Others as well [Theon, Jaime]  

You are more intuitive with characters, and it's obvious you do enjoy it.  As do we it must be said.  Heartfelt every time!   :) 

As mentioned before, we add our own individual strings to the Riverland's bow, and I for one am more detail based [boring and speculative with occasional results^_^] than posters like yourself, Le Cygne and Longie, who discuss the deeper thoughts/clues/inspirations behind the characters and what this potentially entails.  I must thank you all for that, as it's enhanced my understanding of some of these plotlines.     

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Wizz, the Kindly Man equates the Black Goat with Him of Many Faces and the followers of the Red God rioted and tried to burn the Black Goat in Qohor. The tqo faiths seem diametrically opposed, no? And with Moqorro on his way to advise Daenerys...

Good point, I had quite forgotten this detail.  Moqorro's mutterings may be rather significant moving forward, as long as he reaches Daenerys of course.  Surely he will.  Nice point, thanks LM, another one to watch for sure!    :)

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Bookie and Wizz, so glad both of you posted today.  I'm a bit depressed about the WOW update and it was nice to read your posts.   Anyway, I've been thinking about the Arya chapters I looked at and think there is more to be mined from them.  Having done that and also looking deep into Bran's chapters on another thread have shown me that really peeling back the layers of this story bring out such fantastic detail. 

Wizz said "I for one am more detail based [boring and speculative with occasional results^_^] " LongRider comments, detailed yes, boring......no way!  Keep up your good work Wizz!

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Happy new year to all of you!

right now I'm very stressed studying for my exams, but I read your posts at the end of the day, and I am making mental notes about which chapters to re-read and look carefully as soon as I have time!

I am a bit disappointed with The news of the not-release of winds :(

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Bookie and Wizz, so glad both of you posted today.  I'm a bit depressed about the WOW update and it was nice to read your posts.   Anyway, I've been thinking about the Arya chapters I looked at and think there is more to be mined from them.  Having done that and also looking deep into Bran's chapters on another thread have shown me that really peeling back the layers of this story bring out such fantastic detail. 

No problem Longie!  And agreed, there are many layers to this series yet untouched, the Bran powers stuff is awesome.  George is a genius! 

As for TWOW news, yes it is definitely a bummer, but I took heart in the fact he thought he could actually finish it within four months at all.  This to me says he was near enough to the end of the book to consider such a timeline, [which is unlike George] thus we are very near completion.  As you mention, these books have a mind blowing amount of detail, and the text is very carefully put together, and with great accuracy to create this Asoiaf Web. 

I am a glass half full guy, and therefore hope the delay is to refine the book to the level of quality that has gone before.  With such intricate writing, to rush it and get it even slightly wrong would be a crime.  :cheers:       

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I wanted to say something too about the TWOW news. Of course its human nature to want something and want it very badly, and the sooner the better, for many, but... There is truly nothing like this series. It is an epic, intricate, snowflake-layered heavily detailed universe. For chrissakes, I can't name all the Freys let alone keep track of the billions of other names, coats of arms, places, etc. That's not even writing the damn thing. That is fact-checking, referencing, checking time, place, arcs, subplots, characterization, consistency…I shan't go on further. Its enough; that's not even the tip of the iceberg. And then there is actually writing this thing with amazing dialogue, story lines, description of scenery, etc. This is an epic undertaking of immense proportions, unfathomable to me, who is in awe just as much as I was the day I first read book 1.  All I can say is: Dude, you do what you gotta do. Totally behind you. No problem. However much time it takes, whatever. Looking forward to it, is how I see it.

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I, er, changed my member title. That is all.

Best New Year ever!!! Don't u think so, Wizz?

Awesome!  Love that tune!  I am slowly plodding my way towards the honour of a member title, I shall have to think of something just as cool!  For now I am a Noble.  ^_^

And yes, great new year!  An actual update on Winds from George, albeit not the publication date we all hoped for, still, he spoke of completing the book.  This means it is [George] close.  :P

Plus there is plenty more to find and discuss all the while!  :)



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The Tyroshi mentioned in my post has green points on his beard which is noted as growing in grey.  The Tyroshi are noted for dyeing their beards, wasn't Daario's blue?   I just don't see the green beards as meaningful.  In the last chapter, Beric tells the Hound that the Mad Huntsman and Greenbeard were dispatched to the Mander to buy food an seed.  So that Tyroshi left the story at that point, I believe. 

Seems like they dye the hair and beards various colors. At one point Dany said Daario's beard was purple, like his eyes were almost purple (I think she was willing him to be a Targaryen, or maybe that was his dragony nature peeking through).

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Seems like they dye the hair and beards various colors. At one point Dany said Daario's beard was purple, like his eyes were almost purple (I think she was willing him to be a Targaryen, or maybe that was his dragony nature peeking through).

Certainly possible about Daaro. No shortage of the blood of Old Valyria in Essos. I still think there may be some reasoning  behind the color of Tyroshi hair color. After all Daario's hair started out blue (I think) which reminds me of lies and sapphires. Also young and old Griff using blue dye to disguise themselves.

I know Longrider doesn't think there is a connection but the only two relatives of the Archon of Tyrosh having the same hair and beard color makes me think that there could be something there. Maybe green is just symbolic of nobility? Then why does Captain Moreo or Pello have green beards? Also most of the named Tyroshi sans Daario have green hair? I need to be investigate this at some point.

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