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Religions in ASOIAF


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What do we know about afterlife in the different religions? Except for the watery halls with the drowned god and the seven hells in the faith of the seven, I have not heard about anything else.
We also have joining nature in a way with the old gods, but that is not explained.

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How could I forget the cult of starry wisdom? All I know about them is that they guided slaves to a hidden lagoon that became braavos and that they have a sinister reputation.

It's speculated on forums that they have something to do with the long night or others in general. Basic breakdown: stars=night=long night= Others. That's what I pickuped from what I read. If u are interested look around on twoiaf forum. I'm definitely forgetting parts of what was discussed.

I think this is applicable to the afterlife in the series because m totally into the theory that some others or white walkers are spirits. Possibly even dead Starks.

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How could I forget the cult of starry wisdom? All I know about them is that they guided slaves to a hidden lagoon that became braavos and that they have a sinister reputation.

It's speculated on forums that they have something to do with the long night or others in general. Basic breakdown: stars=night=long night= Others. That's what I pickuped from what I read. If u are interested look around on twoiaf forum. I'm definitely forgetting parts of what was discussed.

I think this is applicable to the afterlife in the series because m totally into the theory that some others or white walkers are spirits. Possibly even dead Starks.

I believe you are conflating the Moonsingers and the Cult if Stary Wisdom. They are they two different religions.

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Faith of the Seven:

You are bad, you go to one of the Seven Hells. But if you are a good person, probably you will have one of Seven Heavens waiting for you.

Drowned God:

Are you a brave ironborn raider, that fight boldly in blood battle and that earned your iron price? Lucky you! You will go, after death, to the Watery Hall of the Drowned God, to an everlasting feast. You are a pussy, or other kind of undeserving non-iroborn, no eternal feast with the Drowned God at your side! You probably cease to exist... 

Old Gods:

You are a good person, your reward is ceasing your existence has an individual mind and person, being merged inside colective the spirit presente in the weirwoods, achieving a kind of comatose eternity. But you are so bad that even a Bolton thinks you are going too far: Frozen Hell to you!

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