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Sidhe - The origins of the Others, CotF, the wall - A theory


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If this has been discussed please feel free to link/redirect it to the appropriate discussion and i apologize for my ignorance.

First of all the idea for this came from this video. Do give it a patient listen as a lot of what i theorize is based on this.

In the comments section of the video one of the viewers mentions :

Don Pontious : Look up Seelie and Unseelie court. Seelie - Children of the Forest - Unseelie - White Walkers.

On further reading / mostly wiki-ing :

Now assuming the CotF are immortal but not their physical bodies. To remain immortal they have to merge with trees (possibly forming a Wierwood tree) and hence the tree has a memory as the CotF live on through the tree but loose mobility and have to sacrifice their selves over time(blood sacrifice). This would also explain why a face is carved in them. They eventually made peace with first men and and hence Wierwood trees exist south & north of the wall.

The others are the CotF who could not stand to making peace with the first men as well as those CotF who were accepting of the pact with first men. As a result they dwell in dark magic. My assumption for immortality and mobility - They would warg into the body of a new born Human Child and grow through that body over time. (reference to the lore of Tylwyth Teg - welsh faeries and changelings using human children). Also the scene of Crasters baby in the GoT S04E04 end scene lends some weight-age to the assumption. Their immortality is temporal as such needing a new vessel to prolong their life and continue to be immortal. Their magic was that of ice mainly because they dwelled in the cold hearts and bodies of men (this is an assumption as the first men initially bore ill against the CotF at least intially - This is pure guesswork no real basis for this hypothesis).

As a result of the ability to continue to be mobile, they would be able to lead a conquest and capture lands beyond their own and with immortality all lands . Hence the CotF who formed a pact with the first men built a wall. Wherein the Men did the construction and the CotF put a spell of magic/ Runes to prevent the others from crossing through the wall. Like the cave and cold hands.

I presume the Great Other (Celestial form)/ Nights King (human body form) is the first CotF to have skin changed into a human and continued his life and he continues to live. I think that in the long night the First men and CotF only drove back the first army of others to build a wall to prevent a further incursion into human lands ( where a lot of dead bodies from the fighting between men and the CotF lie, which would be used to summon an army of wights) Hence you have references to burying north men and hanging on to their bones, to ensure they were not turned into wights. By possibly having crypts/barrows/roots of WW trees with such runes. 

This leads me to believe that either Bran/BR (or both) will need to dispel the magic at the wall (since he also has the blood of Bran the Builder and Greensight among other traits), for which BR will probably trick Bran into doing so and his body will be saved from the WW tree as a pact between the Nights King and BR (he may even use his body as a host/vessel) .

Its also worth noting that the Sidhe/Aos Si are said to be found in burial mounds & the first men / northmen buried their dead in barrows, low hummocks. and WW Trees (similar land features to a mound)

A lot of it is open to discussion and theories feel free to add or detract or theorize.

added references:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aos_S%C3%AD   - Sidhe/ Aos Si & Milesians (from the video)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tylwyth_Teg - Welsh Lore of Changelings

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classifications_of_fairies - Seelie and Unseelie court.



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