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e^(Ln|R*A| - Ln|A|) + (N*L+L)/(N+1) = J/0!

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I suggest we adopt this new math formula for the R+L = J theory. R+J = J is far too simplistic and straight forward of a math equation to describe the parentage of Jon Snow which the GRRM goes to good measure to misdirect or supply red herrings for his parentage. So I suggest that we adopt the following math equation:

e(Ln|R*A| - Ln|A|) +  (N*L+L)/(N+1) = J/0!      For All  [N(ed stark) > -1] & [A(shara Dayne) > 0]

It's effective as it includes the Variables N for ned and A for Ashara Dayne but through very basic Algebra and log manipulation  A's and the N's cancel out and we're left with R+L = J. I feel that this equation is fitting because much like reading GoT for the first time the equation can seem rather difficult to figure out at first glance. But once someone reminds you of a few basic concepts like the property of logs and inverse functions, the answer suddenly looks trivial and obvious. For math equations involving Tyrion being the secret son of Aerys and Joanna I would suggest we adopt some sort of equation which utilizes Second order partial derivatives or integration combined with trig substitution. 



P.S If you'd like to add additional variables such as wyla then I'd suggest the following Formula:
W*[e^(Ln|R*A| - Ln|A*W|)] + (N*L+L)/(N+1) = J/0! 

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3 hours ago, PCK said:

You can't divide by 0.

If you're referring to J/0! then that's not division by "0" that's division by "0!" or Zero Factorial and a Zero Factorial actually equals 1, so it's division by 1. If you're unfamiliar with concept of factorials it's basically a number followed by an exclamation mark and it means you take that number and multiply it by all the numbers preceding it. for instance 4! = 4*3*2*1 = 24. If you're thinking "wait but then shouldn't 0! equal zero then because you'd be multiplying 0 by 0?" yeah that's what common sense would tell you but for some reason  that i don't really understand it doesn't. 



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4 hours ago, Ethenil said:

Any reasoning for that formula or just random? :P


I mean it's pretty Random. But the rational behind choosing that formula that like the books obfuscates the truth by presenting the question with a bunch of unecessary terms that all cancel out but at first glance make the question seem more complicated then it actually. And obviously N for Ned and A for ashara as misdirects.  


12 minutes ago, Stannis in the middle said:

As someone who wasted four years studying engineering, i can tell you no one is impressed by maths...

Yeah I mean I wasn't trying to Impress people. The formula is something anyone who took an Algebra I course could solve. If anything I wrote this in a state of boredom as playful trolling that would anger people who hate math but maybe get a slight smirk from someone like you who were continuously beaten over head with a bunch of simple algebraic properties because professors love to trick you into getting easy Calculus problems wrong by piling on a bunch of unnecessary terms that either stump you or force you to spend most you're time figuring out how to cancel them out just so you can get to the actual Calculus part. 

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