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Outrageous Lies bout TP above, Ver. 24 (I like it better than 23)

Raisin' Bran

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In his younger days, KoA was a legendary cricketer.  He was unfortunately banished from the sport after an incident involving a cactus, wind-chimes, and a bottle of tobasco.  The details of said event have been redacted, and in exchange, KoA will never again bowl from the Pavilion End.

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Raisin Bran knows a lot blood magic. He tricks people into donating blood for a fake child hospital in order to get the blood necessary to obtain the prime matter of his alchemic experiments.

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SH, taking her cue from Westerosi sword naming practices, names her purses.

"I only need my ID, cash, mace, gum & a condom tonight. I'll need a purse that's small & compact. I'll take....DarkClutch!" 

"I'm eating @ a buffet restaurant tonight. I may want to take desert home. I'll take....LadyCookieStow!"

"Security will be heavy where I'm going tonight, & my things will likely be searched. However, I have lots of stuff to bring. I'll need something larger. I'll take....EventSecurity'sBane!"

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Moriath believes that he lives on Mars. But since Mars cannot support life, he is actually in a total recall station 200 feet under Tokyo organizing a revolution to reestablish an atmosphere so he can go outside. Not sure what his exact plan is to "create" an atmosphere.

JQC is stuck in a time warp where she thinks a game started in mid-February is considered "new". 

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