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Littlefinger's plan: Will Sansa inherit the Vale of Arryn?


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I think this whole storyline actually comes to the Ashford theory.  Vale ownership really doesn't matter at this point in how the big schemes  go.  They do to LF  But in two books things have to move and the Vale storyline will move.  Sansa will be betrothed to Harry and eventually (maybe) Aegon.  But ya know, winter...will interrupt her possible happiness. 

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It's not unheard of in real life to have to go very far back to find a suitable heir.  Henry IV of France was a 9th generation descendant of Louis IX.  Since he was the closest heir of patrilineal descent he became the next king even though his ancestor was king over 300 years prior.

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Harry is old enough to rule, he seems to dislike LF and he will marry Sansa. I don't see LF letting him alive. He will make a move that seems to be against him (losing a good betrothal for his daughter) but he will have eliminated Robert's heirs. Dead or alive,Robert is not a problem for him. LF gets the Vale.

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  • But Littlefinger is after bigger fish than the Vale.  He wants the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms, not just Winterfell or the Vale.  And even if Sana marries Harry the Heir LF is still two deaths away from her even being regent.  And remember that the nobility of the Vale isn't exactly in love with Littlefinger, heck they weren't even all that thrilled with Lysa (except to perhaps marry her and then get control of her son) so how do you think they'll feel about Alayne (even assuming that LF can somehow get her legitimized) becoming their regent.  And that would go double if it was revealed that Alayne is actually Sansa Lannister who is already and still married to Tyrion Lannister until they can get the Faith to put her marriage aside, which they can do but NOT without letting Cersei know that Sansa is in the Vale and that Petyr has now become her enemy. 
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I don't think Littlefinger's "plan" is firm. Throughout the series he's created scenarios and manipulated situations so that he'll come out on top. This is no different.

If Robert dies and Harry takes the Lordship, Littlefinger will head back to the Riverlands, as his services as Lord Protector will no longer be required. If Harry and Sansa then go and attack House Bolton, Littlefinger's hands will be clean. The Vale Lords dislike for him is well known and most will assume that it was they who killed Robert, in order to rid themselves of LF. After all, who would believe that he would deliberately take himself out of power?

If Harry and Sansa take the North then Baelish has proxy control over the twin Kingdoms of the North and the Vale. If they should lose, however, then the Vale would need a new ruler. And how better to punish the treacherous Lords of the Vale than by appointing Petyr Baelish? Both Lannisters and Tyrells believe he is theirs (and, I suspect, so does House Martell.) but he is not openly on either side so it would seem like a shrewd, neutral appointment.

I don't think it will come to that, however. He's screwed up massively by telling Sansa that he's going to kill Robert. I can't see her allowing that to happen.

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Henry the Eighth bastardized both of his daughters and designated the Line of Succession to pass over his elder sister and her heirs to that of his younger sister. All that was probably to make things easier for his only minor son. That son Edward died, and the inheritance of England was subjected to controversy and battle. First one daughter, inherited, and you may have heard of Bloody Mary. When she died, the next bastardized daughter inherited and you may have heard of Elizabeth and the Elizabethan age. The next heir bipassed the legal succession in Henry's will, and Elizabeth never cleared it up, because she didn't want to encourage betrayal.

Harry Hardying or Sweetrobin could make a will designating Sansa or LF.  A will could also be faked with the right people supporting it.

Heck, Tudor propaganda even alluded to the Tudors having a vague ancestor in King Arthur who was mostly legendary!

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