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MLB Postseason: All Arms on Deck


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I gotta say this for teams with huge baseball droughts: when they finally win, they do it in style. Boston coming back against the Yankees in '04, and now the Cubs against the Indians in 2016.

I remember thinking a few days ago that it would only be appropriate if the Cubs won after making a comeback like that, but I didn't dare say anything for fear of jinxing it. Goddamn.


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What a great game.  There's loads of cars honking outside still.  I expect our office will be empty in the morning but I need to be up in less than 5 hours for an early flight.  I'm sending an email to my team now to let them know work is optional tomorrow.

My wife ordered a surprise Cubs shirt for our son and it only just arrived (delayed) this evening.  I ran downstairs in the middle of the tenth to pick it up.  It's hanging up on a chair now for him to find tomorrow and wear to school. 

The city will be mental for the parade and the parties this weekend. 

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