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Noble houses downfalling with a Robert

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It's just an observation and I have not finished reading all the books yet, but I can't help but notice quite a few noble houses seems to have a downfall with a Robert as the last heir.


1. House Baratheon: Robert Baratheon (There's still Stannis, though since he's dead in the show and has lost the support of Melisandre, I wonder if he'll ever restore the Baratheon name from its downfall in the books)

2. House Stark: Robb Stark (I know that Robb is not the last Stark left, but Jon is not a Stark and the other Stark children are missing/dead)

3. House Arryn: Robert Arryn aka Sweet Robin (His health is pretty weak and he's the only heir of the house, so it's unlikely that he will have any children of his own, even if he were to survive into adulthood).

4. House Reyne: Robert Reyne (I am not completely clear about House Reyne, though according to the Wiki, he made the mistake of betrothing of his daughter to the Lannisters and a series of events caused the downfall of his house)

It could just be a coincidence, but it's an interesting observation.

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Reyne insulted and belittled Tywins father publically and constantly, he also borrowed money and never paid it back.  On one occasion he even kidknapped Kevin.  When Tywin took over he called the banners and marched straight at his sisters keep and burned it before Robert got there, then beat Robert in battle, and flooded his underground castle Castamere.

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