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Daenerys or Sansa: who do you think would make a better queen of the Seven Kingdoms, and why?

Free folk Daemon

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Daenerys seems hell-bent on punishing the 'usurper's dogs' (which encompasses at least 75% of the realm), which would mean that she's very unlikely to garner any loyalty or rapport to win any allies, especially with enemies with that she wouldn't be able to stave off without the help of allies.

Sansa has been known to be a very poor judge of character as well as having been a puppet to other characters far too often to have any real chance at being an effective queen, for the nonce at least anyways.

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We've seen both women in an arc of learning life lessons. Dany has had more agency and accomplished more, but with mixed results. Sansa has had less chance to take control of her life and hasn't really created opportunities to do so. Dany's lessons have been through direct experience and Sansa has been observing. Completely different approaches and personalities, but I think both have great potential. We haven't seen either one really put their lessons to the test.

I think both could unite the fragmented Seven Kingdoms in their own ways. Dany would have a stronger hand, but I think Sansa could ultimately inspire more loyalty. So who would be best? I don't know. I think Dany at this moment in time because things are becoming really dire and the players don't even know how dire it will get yet. Dany has the resources and will to hammer things back in shape quickly and get back to some semblance of normality. I don't think Sansa has the luxury of time that would be necessary for her approach to bear fruit.

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Daenerys would make the best ruling queen of Westeros.  She is gaining valuable experience in Slaver's Bay.  Dany will end the slave trade and that is a significant accomplishment.  Learning how to deal with the Pale Mare and learning to make tough decisions like closing the gate to the refugees are tough calls that any potential ruler will need to have experience in. Book Sansa does not have any experience in those things.  Book Sansa is slow of mind and does not have the courage to lead. 

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