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A Dream of Fling (See what I did there?)


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Last night I totally had the weirdest dream.

[side note: I don't disclose my gender on my profile since I don't think it's that important for people to focus on gender, plus I have a name that my hippy parents *insist* is androgynous but which I whole-heartedly disagree with and I'm sure that I'm literally the only not-male ever to have it. Don't get me started. More than I am, anyway. And don't ask, or I'll have to kill you. But just know that when Professor Oak asks, I say girl, which matters for this story.]

I was on the train and there was a cute girl sitting across from me and I couldn't stop staring at her. Now, I'm not gay... but in my dream I was like, "Wwwwoooooooooowwwwwww..." She had red hair, from memory, and I can't remember but I'm pretty sure she was either black or just dark-skinned. She was nobody I actually know. I do remember she had red nail polish, which is a strange detail to remember given I can't recall her face.

So I was staring at her and then somebody else came on the train and so she had to sit next to me. Our arms were rubbing against each other and my heart was thumping. I could smell her perfume.

She put down her book, threw me a wink and went to get off the train. She whispered as she went, "You know my number." And because it was a dream, I did!

I was about to either call or follow her out - THEN MY ALARM WENT OFF! I was so cross. :P

It legit has been on my mind all day - I don't read anything into it about my psyche, I just wanted to know how the dream would end, that's all! Aaaaaarrrrrrgh! :P 

Phew! Off my chest now, the end. :) 

So big question: Anyone else had a dream that you couldn't get out of your head all day?

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Once I dreamt that I was a prostitute in Mexico. 

I was me in the dream but I was dressed as a woman and hanging out in real seedy parts of Mexico trying to be a prostitute. I was at this bar out in the middle of nowhere kinda in the woods and there was some dudes that were gonna beat me up.

In my real life I had just returned from a vacation in Mexico and I was dating a transgender lady (sorry if that's not the correct term this week, I can't keep up) at the time. I'm assuming it had something to do with that. Certainly the most disturbed I've ever been by a dream.

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58 minutes ago, DunderMifflin said:

Once I dreamt that I was a prostitute in Mexico. 

I was me in the dream but I was dressed as a woman and hanging out in real seedy parts of Mexico trying to be a prostitute. I was at this bar out in the middle of nowhere kinda in the woods and there was some dudes that were gonna beat me up.

Okay so that one was certainly quirkier than mine... 

1 hour ago, Ser Scot A Ellison said:

Frequently. :)

Please, don't overload me with details or anything! :o 


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