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Hooded Man of WF is 10000% Theon


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9 minutes ago, Aedam Targaryen said:

Haha! You bastard! :P

More seriously, I think we have look for the author's intent. If we accept the Theon Durden theory, then we don't have to rationalize everything the figment of Theon's deranged mind said. The point I see is that Reek doesn't deny killing Bran and Rickon, he denies that they were is brothers. 

Some other reasons to accept the Theon Durden theory...

First, reread the first Theon chapter in Clash. Consider the vibe about Theon at the beginning of that chapter and the vibe about the Hooded Man. By the end of that chapter his father had taken him down a peg and set him on the path of betrayal.

Following the betrayal of his "brothers", Theon becomes Reek, until Roose makes him a prince again, but he could not escape his crime as a turncloak. Then we have A Ghost in Winterfell:



Farther on, he came upon a man striding in the opposite direction, a hooded cloak flapping behind him. When they found themselves face-to-face their eyes met briefly. The man put a hand on his dagger.

"Theon Turncloak. Theon Kinslayer."

"I'm not. I never I was ironborn."

"False is all you were. How is it you still breathe?"

"The gods are not done with me," Theon answered, wondering if this could be the killer, the night walker who had stuffed Yellow Dick's cock into his mouth and pushed Roger Ryswell's groom off the battlements. Oddly, he was not afraid. He pulled the glove from his left hand. "Lord Ramsay is not done with me."

The man looked, and laughed. "I leave you to him, then."


Would a recognizable Glover, Mollen, or other Stark loyalist be striding around occupied Winterfell if he were striking folks down from the shadows? No this is a brave and haughty man confronting Reek face-to-face. He was wearing a hooded cloak just like Theon was at the beginning of Theon I in Clash.

Second, Mance's spearwives tacitly admitted to the killings except for Little Walder so there is no Stark loyalist sneaking around and killing Boltons and Freys.

Third, the Hooded Man is walking in the opposite direction of Reek. This is the ghost of Reek's former self, Theon. Reek's character is completely opposite to Theon's.

Fourth, Reek's lack of fear was odd because he had been afraid of everyone ever since he had become Reek. But he had no reason to fear his own ghost. 

Fifth, he always took care to conceal his maimed hands but to the ghost of his former self he displayed the proof that he was no longer who he had been.

Finally, consider Theon's ark and the progression of the titles of his POV chapters from Clash and through Dance. He was Theon and became Reek, until something awakened in The Prince of Winterfell. Then he was the Turncloak just as his former self accused him in the next chapter, A Ghost in Winterfell. And then he was Theon again.

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On ‎12‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 0:12 PM, OtherFromAnotherMother said:

This would not explain blood spatter on BW. And any blood leaking into nearby snow would freeze before the body would.

BW arrives on scene and finds his cousin's dead body in the snow. Blood has oozed from the body into the snow turning it into red, bloody snow, and there is still some congealed but not entirely frozen blood in the body. BW starts digging through the bloody snow, causing his gloves to become caked with blood, and some of the bloody snow hits his chest and cloak as he is frantically trying to free the body, causing a spatter pattern. Alternatively, tiny flecks of congealed blood could have come off the body as it was being tugged free from the snow.

On ‎12‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 0:12 PM, OtherFromAnotherMother said:

I must have missed Hosteen’s POV chapter where he says he knows BW killed LW...

I thought that was your contention:

On ‎12‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 5:38 PM, OtherFromAnotherMother said:

Hosteen is looking for a reason to go after Manderly. This provides it and that is all Hosteen sees here. What he wants to see.


On ‎12‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 0:12 PM, OtherFromAnotherMother said:

Remember that tensions are extremely high in WF right now between Frey and Manderly. Hosteen knows that Manderly killed his kin, but cannot prove it. When Hosteen sees a dead Frey, Manderly would be the first person he thinks is responsible. Remember this conversation?

BW probably tells him the dice story and Hosteen doesn't need much convincing to confront Manderly. Which, he does of course, slicing Manderly's necks. Hosteen wants this confrontation and another dead Frey (Ser Aeny's squire was also killed) gives him reason.

Sorry, this is a stretch. A dead body in the snow and a cousin with blood all over his hands, and then Hosteen marches the bloody cousin into the hall with the dead body where the cousin, cool as a cucumber, lies directly to the faces of the two most brutal lords in the hall with the bloody evidence for all to see. And neither the lords nor the accused think to question any of this.

The answer is obvious to them is it should be to the reader, BW got blood on him as he was digging up the body.

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6 minutes ago, John Suburbs said:

BW arrives on scene and finds his cousin's dead body in the snow. Blood has oozed from the body into the snow turning it into red, bloody snow, and there is still some congealed but not entirely frozen blood in the body. BW starts digging through the bloody snow, causing his gloves to become caked with blood, and some of the bloody snow hits his chest and cloak as he is frantically trying to free the body, causing a spatter pattern. Alternatively, tiny flecks of congealed blood could have come off the body as it was being tugged free from the snow.

I thought that was your contention:


Sorry, this is a stretch. A dead body in the snow and a cousin with blood all over his hands, and then Hosteen marches the bloody cousin into the hall with the dead body where the cousin, cool as a cucumber, lies directly to the faces of the two most brutal lords in the hall with the bloody evidence for all to see. And neither the lords nor the accused think to question any of this.

The answer is obvious to them is it should be to the reader, BW got blood on him as he was digging up the body.

It's entirely believable... The kid is a Frey. 

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3 hours ago, John Suburbs said:

BW arrives on scene and finds his cousin's dead body in the snow. Blood has oozed from the body into the snow turning it into red, bloody snow, and there is still some congealed but not entirely frozen blood in the body. BW starts digging through the bloody snow, causing his gloves to become caked with blood, and some of the bloody snow hits his chest and cloak as he is frantically trying to free the body, causing a spatter pattern. Alternatively, tiny flecks of congealed blood could have come off the body as it was being tugged free from the snow.

This would not cause spatter. Spatter is 


to scatter or dash in small particles or drops

Some other examples of blood spatter from the books. 

GoT, Dany IV:


Drops of his blood had spattered the beautiful sandsilk cloak. Dany clutched the soft cloth to her cheek and sat cross-legged on her sleeping mats.

This was following Dany slapping Visery's in the face with a chain of bronze medallions.

GoT, Dany VII:


All the while the man atop the lamb girl continued to plunge in and out of her, so intent on his pleasure that he seemed unaware of what was going on around him. Ser Jorah dismounted and wrenched him off with a mailed hand. The Dothraki went sprawling in the mud, bounced up with a knife in hand, and died with Aggo's arrow through his throat. Mormont pulled the girl off the pile of corpses and wrapped her in his blood-spattered cloak. He led her across the road to Dany. "What do you want done with her?"

Another instance of a cloak, blood spattered because of an arrow through the throat of a man standing close to Jorah. 

GoT, Dany VIII:


Mirri Maz Duur's voice rose to a high, ululating wail that sent a shiver down Dany's back. Some of the Dothraki began to mutter and back away. The tent was aglow with the light of braziers within. Through the blood-spattered sandsilk, she glimpsed shadows moving.

This blood is from the horse that MMD sliced the neck of here: 


It looked old; hammered red bronze, leaf-shaped, its blade covered with ancient glyphs. The maegi drew it across the stallion’s throat, under the noble head, and the horse screamed and shuddered as the blood poured out of him in a red rush. He would have collapsed, but the men of her khas held him up.


CoK, Tyrion XIV:


A naked man fell from the sky and landed on the deck, body bursting like a melon dropped from a tower. His blood spattered through the slit of Tyrion's helm. Stones began to plummet down, crashing through the decks and turning men to pulp, until the whole bridge gave a shudder and twisted violently underfoot, knocking him sideways.

A man bursting will spread blood everywhere, causing spatter.

SoS, Dany IV:


The tent flap pushed open, and Ser Jorah Mormont entered. He was dusty, and spattered with blood, but otherwise none the worse for battle. The exile knight went to one knee before Dany and said, "Your Grace, I bring you victory. 

Mormont again. Spattered with blood after a battle.

SoS, Tyrion VIII:


It took some time to sort that out, but in the end they spurred to opposite ends of the hall, and wheeled about for the tilt. As the lords and ladies guffawed and giggled, the little men came together with a crash and a clatter, and the wolf knight's lance struck the helm of the stag knight and knocked his head clean off. It spun through the air spattering blood to land in the lap of Lord Gyles. The headless dwarf careened around the tables, flailing his arms. Dogs barked, women shrieked, and Moon Boy made a great show of swaying perilously back and forth on his stilts, until Lord Gyles pulled a dripping red melon out of the shattered helm, at which point the stag knight poked his face up out of his armor, and another storm of laughter rocked the hall.

This from Joff's wedding. Fake blood I assume. But again, notice "spattering" as the description for the blood as the head spins through the air. 

SoS, Arya XIII:


"Might be," said the Hound, "but you're dead." His foot lashed out and caught the bench, driving it hard into Polliver's shins. Somehow the bearded man kept his feet, but the Hound ducked under his wild slash and brought his own sword up in a vicious backhand cut. Blood spattered on the ceiling and walls. The blade caught in the middle of Polliver's face, and when the Hound wrenched it loose half his head came with it.

The Hound doing work. An upward slash causing blood spatter on the ceiling. 

DwD, King's Prize:


"Winter is almost upon us, boy. And winter is death. I would sooner my men die fighting for the Ned's little girl than alone and hungry in the snow, weeping tears that freeze upon their cheeks. No one sings songs of men who die like that. As for me, I am old. This will be my last winter. Let me bathe in Bolton blood before I die. I want to feel it spatter across my face when my axe bites deep into a Bolton skull. I want to lick it off my lips and die with the taste of it on my tongue."

A lovely talk... Even in spoken word, spatter is used correctly here. An axe blow to the skull would certainly spatter the face of the person giving the blow. Similar to how I believe BW stabbed Walder and has blood spatter on his upper torso. 

DwD, Tyrion X:


He heard the whip before he felt it, a whistle in the air, thin and sharp. Tyrion grunted under the blow, but this time he managed to stay on his feet. His thoughts flashed back to the beginnings of his journey, when his most pressing problem had been deciding which wine to drink with his midmorning snails. See what comes of chasing dragons. A laugh burst from his lips, spattering the first row of buyers with blood and spit.

Tyrion on the auction block. This is a good picture of spattering. Blood and spit spraying out from his mouth onto the front row.

Skip LW for now.

DwD, Theon I:


Hosteen Frey's sword was red almost to the hilt. Blood spatters speckled his cheeks like freckles. He lowered his blade and said, "As my lord commands. But after I deliver you the head of Stannis Baratheon, I mean to finish hacking off Lord Lard's."

Hosteen slashing up Manderly. This causes blood spatter. Isn't it interesting that GRRM uses blood spatter here, immediately after showing BW with blood spatter? I think he's telling us something here...

Back to LW: 


Snow slid from Ser Hosteen's cloaks as he stalked toward the high table, his steps ringing against the floor. A dozen Frey knights and men-at-arms entered behind him. One was a boy Theon knew—Big Walder, the little one, fox-faced and skinny as a stick. His chest and arms and cloak were spattered with blood.

Notice the similarities with the other examples. Every time we have "blood spatter" it is from something spraying blood out. Just like how I think BW did LW. Another similarity is that the spattering is happening instantly, not later. 

The only example which may support you is here in Eddard VIII:


"A boar." Lord Renly was still in his hunting greens, his cloak spattered with blood.

From when Robert was killed by the boar, obviously. We don't know exactly what happened when Robert was gored. But we do have this: 


“My brother was always strong,” Lord Renly said. “Not wise, perhaps, but strong.” In the sweltering heat of the bedchamber, his brow was slick with sweat. He might have been Robert’s ghost as he stood there, young and dark and handsome. “He slew the boar. His entrails were sliding from his belly, yet somehow he slew the boar.” His voice was full of wonder.

So I could see Renly and the others rushing to Robert when they see him gored, then getting spattered as they get there. Also, I'm not that familiar with boar hunting in medieval times but don't people stand next to each other and wait for the boar to charge before striking? I know Robert wanted to take the boar alone, but the other men would stil be next to him right? Maybe someone else could help with this.

Even without the Renly example there are stil what 10, 11 examples of spatter being described in the way I believe BW did LW. There are 0 examples of blood spatter which happen because of "hugging, pulling, dragging, or snow melt". The spatter description is important here as it shows that BW was standing and facing LW as he was being stabbed. GRRM uses "spatter" for a reason. If he wanted us to think BW was simply "hugging or pulling" he would have used different wording to describe BW's arms and chest. BW was facing LW and stabbing, causing the spatter to his upper body. Is he stupid for not changing clothes? Of course. But I'm not sure that he would have another warm cloak and pair of gloves. Is it known that 11 year olds have multiple cloaks and gloves for extremely cold temperatures?

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On 01/12/2016 at 8:06 PM, Jadakiss said:


They straight admitted to not doing it. They killed a bunch of others so why would they lie about one more so adamant? They had no problem discussing who they killed and how

Nope, the spearwives pretty much admitted to killing Yellow Dick. And all the rest, actually. All but Little Walder.

On 01/12/2016 at 8:07 PM, Jadakiss said:


his newest post on that subject he has it where it is for sure theon. who is just insane at this point with multiple personality disorder. grrm shows a specific scene where he is question by lady dustin and boltons etc and they see with his hands there is NO way he could hold a dagger.......but then grrm writes up a scene right after that with theon eating breakfast using a dagger

Nope. When Theon meets with Lady Dustin and Roose and a few others, a Frey comments on how he'd still be able to use a knife/dagger. Sure, Lady Dustin disagrees, but she may have other reasons for that. The point remains, Theon's lost only his pinky off his right hand, there's no reason why he wouldn't be able to hold and use a dagger. 


A Dance with Dragons - A Ghost in Winterfell 

Theon glanced up sharply. "Please, no. I … I …"

"Do as she says," Ser Aenys said. "Show us your hands." 

Theon peeled his gloves off and held his hands up for them to see. It is not as if I stand before them naked. It is not so bad as that. His left hand had three fingers, his right four. Ramsay had taken only the pinky off the one, the ring finger and forefingers from the other.

"The Bastard did this to you," Lady Dustin said. 

"If it please m'lady, I … I asked it of him." Ramsay always made him ask. Ramsay always makes me beg.

“Why would you do that?”

“I … I did not need so many fingers.”

“Four is enough.” Ser Aenys Frey fingered the wispy brown beard that sprouted from his weak chin like a rat’s tail. “Four on his right hand. He could still hold a sword. A dagger.”

Lady Dustin laughed. “Are all Freys such fools? Look at him. Hold a dagger? He hardly has the strength to hold a spoon. Do you truly think he could have overcome the Bastard’s disgusting creature and shoved his manhood down his throat?”

“These dead were all strong men,” said Roger Ryswell, “and none of them were stabbed. The turncloak’s not our killer.”

Roose Bolton’s pale eyes were fixed on Theon, as sharp as Skinner’s flaying knife. “I am inclined to agree. Strength aside, he does not have it in him to betray my son.”

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On 12/8/2016 at 6:51 PM, Lost Melnibonean said:

More seriously, I think we have look for the author's intent. If we accept the Theon Durden theory, then we don't have to rationalize everything the figment of Theon's deranged mind said. The point I see is that Reek doesn't deny killing Bran and Rickon, he denies that they were is brothers. 

Some other reasons to accept the Theon Durden theory...

First, reread the first Theon chapter in Clash. Consider the vibe about Theon at the beginning of that chapter and the vibe about the Hooded Man. By the end of that chapter his father had taken him down a peg and set him on the path of betrayal.

Following the betrayal of his "brothers", Theon becomes Reek, until Roose makes him a prince again, but he could not escape his crime as a turncloak. Then we have A Ghost in Winterfell:

Would a recognizable Glover, Mollen, or other Stark loyalist be striding around occupied Winterfell if he were striking folks down from the shadows? No this is a brave and haughty man confronting Reek face-to-face. He was wearing a hooded cloak just like Theon was at the beginning of Theon I in Clash.

Second, Mance's spearwives tacitly admitted to the killings except for Little Walder so there is no Stark loyalist sneaking around and killing Boltons and Freys.

Third, the Hooded Man is walking in the opposite direction of Reek. This is the ghost of Reek's former self, Theon. Reek's character is completely opposite to Theon's.

Fourth, Reek's lack of fear was odd because he had been afraid of everyone ever since he had become Reek. But he had no reason to fear his own ghost. 

Fifth, he always took care to conceal his maimed hands but to the ghost of his former self he displayed the proof that he was no longer who he had been.

Finally, consider Theon's ark and the progression of the titles of his POV chapters from Clash and through Dance. He was Theon and became Reek, until something awakened in The Prince of Winterfell. Then he was the Turncloak just as his former self accused him in the next chapter, A Ghost in Winterfell. And then he was Theon again.

Agreed great post!

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21 hours ago, OtherFromAnotherMother said:

This would not cause spatter. Spatter is 

You can't possible declare this as an absolute truth. Blood could be spattered, splattered or schmattered in all kinds of ways. Bloody snow being frantically shoved aside spattered across his chest and cloak. A body being shaken loose from the snow and some blood from deep within the wound becomes airborne. Both certainly well within the realm of possibility.

What is impossible is that a knife slash to the throat or elsewhere would leave only a spatter on the chest and cloak but cake the hands with blood.

You're falling for the oldest literary trick in the book: establish a pattern through repetition, then introduce a new circumstance that breaks the pattern to produce a false assumption on the part of the reader. It's writing 101.

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37 minutes ago, John Suburbs said:

You can't possible declare this as an absolute truth. Blood could be spattered, splattered or schmattered in all kinds of ways. Bloody snow being frantically shoved aside spattered across his chest and cloak. A body being shaken loose from the snow and some blood from deep within the wound becomes airborne. Both certainly well within the realm of possibility.

I can't prove anything in a fantasy series. But it would be very odd for George to use "spatter" in its correct form every single time in the books, but use it incorrectly in this instance.


42 minutes ago, John Suburbs said:

You're falling for the oldest literary trick in the book: establish a pattern through repetition, then introduce a new circumstance that breaks the pattern to produce a false assumption on the part of the reader. It's writing 101.

You really think George is thinking,  "These readers are going to remember everytime I used 'spatter' in the way it's supposed to (blood spraying out), so now I'm going to use it in the wrong way so they think BW did it, even though he didn't." Is the LW murder so important to the series to do this?

46 minutes ago, John Suburbs said:

What is impossible is that a knife slash to the throat or elsewhere would leave only a spatter on the chest and cloak but cake the hands with blood.

Why isn't this possible? Caked only means the blood has hardened or dried. Why wouldn't this be possible? It is very possible within the timeline of BW killing LW, leaving, and either he or Hosteen finding the body after it has frozen.

Also, why would BW try and dig out the body as you describe? There is no love between these two. They call each other "stupid".


"We're cousins, not brothers," added Big Walder, the little one. "I'm Walder son of Jammos. My father was Lord Walder's son by his fourth wife. He's Walder son of Merrett. His grandmother was Lord Walder's third wife, the Crakehall. He's ahead of me in the line of succession even though I'm older."

"Only by fifty-two days," Little Walder objected. "And neither of us will ever hold the Twins, stupid."

"I will," Big Walder declared. "We're not the only Walders either. Ser Stevron has a grandson, Black Walder, he's fourth in line of succession, and there's Red Walder, Ser Emmon's son, and Bastard Walder, who isn't in the line at all. He's called Walder Rivers not Walder Frey. Plus there's girls named Walda."



Little Walder hooted. "Tired of waiting for our grandfather to die, you mean. Does this mean Ser Emmon's the heir now?"

"Don't be stupid," his cousin said. "The sons of the first son come before the second son. Ser Ryman is next in line, and then Edwyn and Black Walder and Petyr Pimple. And then Aegon and all his sons."

“I’ll be lord. I don’t care if he is.”

They call each other out on their lies.


"Let me come too. I want that wolfskin cloak." A boy stepped forward, no older than Bran. It took Theon a moment to remember him. "I've hunted lots of times before," Walder Frey said. "Red deer and elk, and even boar."

His cousin laughed at him. "He rode on a boar hunt with his father, but they never let him near the boar."

These boys don't love each other. Especially towards the end when, as Theon says:


"I can see to my own horse," said Big Walder. Little Walder had become Lord Ramsay's best boy and grew more like him every day, but the smaller Frey was made of different stuff and seldom took part in his cousin's games and cruelties.


We also have an interesting comment from BW saying what he'd have done with his cousins if he were Manderly:


“Did you find your cousins, my lord?”

“No. I never thought we would. They’re dead. Lord Wyman had them killed. That’s what I would have done if I was him.”

BW does not seem like the type of kid who would rush over to his dead cousin, who he doesn't particularly like, and try to get him out of the snow. Not that this would cause spatter anyways.

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46 minutes ago, OtherFromAnotherMother said:

@John Suburbs

Also, BW is the smaller one. He wouldn't be strong enough to pull on a dead, frozen body hard enough to open up a frozen wound through snow to be able to spray blood on him. Not that he would do this anyways.

And a frozen corpse  wouldn't bleed anyway, let alone spray since the blood would be frozen/congealed. 

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1 hour ago, kissdbyfire said:

And a frozen corpse  wouldn't bleed anyway, let alone spray since the blood would be frozen/congealed. 

I don't want to speak incorrectly  @John Suburbs so please correct me if I am wrong JS, but I think he believes BW hugged, pulled, and/or dragged the body immediately after the death then went back later (after it froze) or told Hosteen about it.

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8 hours ago, kissdbyfire said:

Nope, the spearwives pretty much admitted to killing Yellow Dick. And all the rest, actually. All but Little Walder.

Nope. When Theon meets with Lady Dustin and Roose and a few others, a Frey comments on how he'd still be able to use a knife/dagger. Sure, Lady Dustin disagrees, but she may have other reasons for that. The point remains, Theon's lost only his pinky off his right hand, there's no reason why he wouldn't be able to hold and use a dagger. 


A Dance with Dragons - A Ghost in Winterfell 

Theon glanced up sharply. "Please, no. I … I …"

"Do as she says," Ser Aenys said. "Show us your hands." 

Theon peeled his gloves off and held his hands up for them to see. It is not as if I stand before them naked. It is not so bad as that. His left hand had three fingers, his right four. Ramsay had taken only the pinky off the one, the ring finger and forefingers from the other.

"The Bastard did this to you," Lady Dustin said. 

"If it please m'lady, I … I asked it of him." Ramsay always made him ask. Ramsay always makes me beg.

“Why would you do that?”

“I … I did not need so many fingers.”

“Four is enough.” Ser Aenys Frey fingered the wispy brown beard that sprouted from his weak chin like a rat’s tail. “Four on his right hand. He could still hold a sword. A dagger.”

Lady Dustin laughed. “Are all Freys such fools? Look at him. Hold a dagger? He hardly has the strength to hold a spoon. Do you truly think he could have overcome the Bastard’s disgusting creature and shoved his manhood down his throat?”

“These dead were all strong men,” said Roger Ryswell, “and none of them were stabbed. The turncloak’s not our killer.”

Roose Bolton’s pale eyes were fixed on Theon, as sharp as Skinner’s flaying knife. “I am inclined to agree. Strength aside, he does not have it in him to betray my son.”

theon is seen eating brekeasf with that dagger no?

that said he didnt kiill anyone but thats his own ghost he saw, grrm only gave it away 20 times

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On 08/12/2016 at 5:49 PM, Jadakiss said:


if you cant put 2 and 2 together not sure what to tell you.... the hooded man isnt killing people, same as theon, he just wanders in the night they hold the same style dagger, and even in a pitch black snow storm the hooded man says theon instantly........if you just put it all together its very clear. he is obviously out of his mind at this point, not just  the breakfast to dinner in a paragraph just everything

The Hooded Man appeared for two paragraphs, was rude to Theon during them and then was never ever mentioned again. What in all of this indicates that they are the same person and that the title "Ghost of Winterfell" refers to him?

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16 minutes ago, Dofs said:

The Hooded Man appeared for two paragraphs, was rude to Theon during them and then was never ever mentioned again. What in all of this indicates that they are the same person and that the title "Ghost of Winterfell" refers to him?

this has always been my thought as well. I've read a lot of theories on who the HM is and I definitely have my favorites but this one never struck me as likely. it'd be cool if it's true and out of everybody it would most likely happen to Theon, but I just don't see what evidence points to Theon more than literally anyone else.

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I feel this post got more attention and feedbacks (I admit, I contribute as well) than it deserves. Nice move though to announce a feebly supported theory with the claim of being "10000% sure". A sub-theme as evolved, i.e. who killed Little Walder Frey.

I myself am bored, waiting for the release of Winds of Winter, so I open threads on several topics too. And it is fun to discuss possible theories.

To Jadakiss: What I do not like is the aggressive notion hanging over this thread due to its title. A little bit of modesty would do well.

The chapter "The Ghost of Winterfell" does hold less secrets than other chapters. The main things are clear: The apparent advantage of Roose Bolton's forces to be sheltered in Winterfell (compared to Stannis' forces camped outside, at least less well sheltered and provisioned, as we readers know) has its downsides too. Bolton's forces are inhomogenous with increasing tension growing between them: Freys & Dreadfort men on the one side, Northmen especially Manderly's forces, on the other side. Mance Ryder and his Spearwifes are accelerating the tensions by killing several people leaving the Bolton forces suspect each other.

At the moment I do not see that the true identity of the Hooded Man nor the true murderer of Little Walder would change anything in this big picture.

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On 01/12/2016 at 1:49 PM, Jadakiss said:


Yes big walder killed little walder. He did so because he saw how much of a monster ramsay was turning him into. He pretty much spared his innocence. very obvious, and how he shows up covered in his blood, his flesh blood but claims he found him, with how cold the weather is there is no way the blood would be wet and the way it looked


walder on walder is true, spear wives did some, but theon was the rest, like what he did with yellow dick


5 hours ago, Jadakiss said:

theon is seen eating brekeasf with that dagger no?

that said he didnt kiill anyone but thats his own ghost he saw, grrm only gave it away 20 times

First you said Theon killed the rest, like Yellow Dick, and now you're saying he didn't kill anyone. I'm confused, which is it?


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